Before the Ladder ends... |
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My thoughts on D2, D3, D4, and other ARPGs.
Diablo 2 Cheat Sheet
by Michaelangel007 ![]()
Act Nearest wp Zone 85 alvl TC87* #Packs Immunity
have a higher mlvl (better drop rate) F = Fire Immune C = Cold Immune L = Lightning Immune P = Poison Immune p = Physical Immune m = Magic Immune Hell Cows are mlvl 81; following uniques do NOT drop:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Cold Plains Burial Grounds Mausoleum 4-5 ..L... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Stony Field Underground Passage 2 2-3 FCLP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Outer Cloister Tamoe Highland Pit Level 1 6-8 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Outer Cloister Tamoe Highland Pit Level 2 2-3 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Lut Gholein Rocky Waste Stony Tomb Level 1 6-8 ..LP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Lut Gholein Rocky Waste Stony Tomb Level 2 3-4 ..LP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Far Oasis Far Oasis Maggot Lair 3 4-5 ..LPp. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 Lost City Lost City Ancient Tunnels 6-8 F.LPpm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Spider Forest Spider Forest Arachnid Lair 4-5 F.LP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Flayer Jungle Flayer Jungle Swampy Pit Level 1 5-6 ..LP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Flayer Jungle Flayer Jungle Swampy Pit Level 2 5-5 F.LP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Flayer Jungle Flayer Jungle Swampy Pit Level 3 2-3 ..LP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Kurast Bazaar Kurast Bazaar Disused Fane 2 FCLPpm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Kurast Bazaar Kurast Bazaar Ruined Temple 2 FC...m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Kurast Bazaar Kurast Bazaar Kurast Sewers Levels 1 6-7 .CLP.m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Kurast Bazaar Kurast Bazaar Kurast Sewers Levels 2 ?1 .CLP.m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Upper Kurast Upper Kurast Forgotten Temple 2 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Upper Kurast Upper Kurast Forgotten Reliquary 2 FC...m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Upper Kurast Kurast Causeway Ruined Fane 2 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Upper Kurast Kurast Causeway Disused Reliquary 2 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 River of Flame -- River of Flame 6-7 FCLP.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 River of Flame -- Chaos Sanctuary 6-7 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Frigid Highlands Frigid Highlnds Abaddon 6-8 FCLPp. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Arreat Plateau Pit of Acheron Pit of Acheron 6-8 FC.Ppm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Glacial Trail Glacial Trail Drifter Cavern 6-8 FCLPpm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Frozen Tundra Frozen Tundra Infernal Pit 3-4 FCLPp. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Ancients' Way Ancients' Way Icy Cellar 6-8 .CLPp. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Worldstone Keep 2 -- Worldstone Keep 1 6-8 FCL... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Worldstone Keep 2 -- Worldstone Keep 2 6-8 FCLP.m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Worldstone Keep 2 -- Worldstone Keep 3 6-8 FCLPpm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Worldstone Keep 2 -- Throneroom 6-8 FCLPpm |
Chests None/All Upgrading Runes
Instructions To upgrade a rune to the next tier up: put runes (and gems) into cube Runewords Runewords (below) are dynamic based on what runes you "own" Click on rune icon to toggle owning Click None to own no runes Click All to own all runes Rune Farming Farming means repeatedly: new game, kill boss/chest, leave game Chests = minimum act/area for chests to drop this rune LK = Act 3 Lower Kurast chests Countess = Act 1 Black Marsh, Tower Mephisto = Act 3 Durance of Hate 3 Baal = Throne of Destruction |
Act1 0 runes from chests; farm Countess |
A2 3 El ![]() r01 → Eld ![]() |
A2 3 Eld ![]() r02 → Tir ![]() |
A2 3 Tir ![]() r03 → Nef ![]() |
A2 3 Nef ![]() r04 → Eth ![]() |
A3 3 Eth ![]() r05 → Ith ![]() |
A3 3 Ith ![]() r06 → Tal ![]() |
A3 3 Tal ![]() r07 → Ral ![]() |
A3 3 Ral ![]() r08 → Ort ![]() |
A4 3 Ort ![]() r09 → Thul ![]() |
A4 3 Thul ![]() r10 + Chipped Topaz ![]() → Amn ![]() |
A4 3 Amn ![]() r11 + Chipped Amethyst ![]() → Sol ![]() |
A4 3 Sol ![]() r12 + Chipped Sapphire ![]() → Shael ![]() |
A5 3 Shael ![]() r13 + Chipped Ruby ![]() → Dol ![]() |
A5 3 Dol ![]() r14 + Chipped Emerald ![]() → Hel ![]() |
NM 3 Hel ![]() r15 + Chipped Diamond ![]() → Io ![]() |
A1nm 3 Io ![]() r16 + Flawed Topaz ![]() → Lum ![]() |
A2nm 3 Lum ![]() r17 + Flawed Amethyst ![]() → Ko ![]() |
A2nm 3 Ko ![]() r18 + Flawed Sapphire ![]() → Fal ![]() |
A3nm 3 Fal ![]() r19 + Flawed Ruby ![]() → Lem ![]() |
A3nm 3 Lem ![]() r20 + Flawed Emerald ![]() → Pul ![]() |
A4nm 2 Pul ![]() r21 + Flawed Diamond ![]() → Um ![]() |
A4nm 2 Um ![]() r22 + Topaz ![]() → Mal ![]() |
A5nm 2 Mal ![]() r23 + Amethyst ![]() → Ist ![]() |
A5nm 2 Ist ![]() r24 + Sapphire ![]() → Gul ![]() |
Hell 2 Gul ![]() r25 + Ruby ![]() → Vex ![]() |
A1H 2 Vex ![]() r26 + Emerald ![]() → Ohm ![]() |
A2H 2 Ohm ![]() r27 + Diamond ![]() → Lo ![]() |
A2H 2 Lo ![]() r28 + Flawless Topaz ![]() → Sur ![]() |
A3H 2 Sur ![]() r29 + Flawless Amethyst ![]() → Ber ![]() |
A3H 2 Ber ![]() r30 + Flawless Sapphire ![]() → Jah ![]() |
A4H 2 Jah ![]() r31 + Flawless Ruby ![]() → Cham ![]() |
A4H 2 Cham ![]() r32 + Flawless Emerald ![]() → Zod ![]() |
A5H Zod ![]() r33 |
Skillers Grand Charms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rune Manifest for Fav. Runewords:
S Name Sockets Type Owned Runes #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Lev Fav Version |
Ancient's Pledge 3 Shields Ral + Ort + Tal 21 1.09Ral ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Black 3 Clubs/Hammers/Maces Thul + Io + Nef 35 1.09Thul ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fury 3 Melee Weapons Jah + Gul + Eth 65 1.09Jah ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Holy Thunder 4 Scepters Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal 21 1.09Eth ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Honor 5 Melee Amn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol 27 1.09Amn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
King's Grace 3 Swords/Scepters Amn + Ral + Thul 25 1.09Amn ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Leaf 2 Staves (Not Orbs) Tir + Ral 19 1.09Tir ![]() ![]() (Based On Character Level) Cold Resist +33% |
Lionheart 3 Body Armor Hel + Lum + Fal 41 1.09Hel ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lore 2 Helms Ort + Sol 27 1.09Ort ![]() ![]() |
Malice 3 Melee Weapons Ith + El + Eth 15 1.09Ith ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Melody 3 Missile Weapons Shael + Ko + Nef 39 1.09Shael ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Memory 4 Staves (Not Orbs) Lum + Io + Sol + Eth 37 1.09Lum ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Nadir 2 Helms Nef + Tir 13 1.09Nef ![]() ![]() |
Radiance 3 Helms Nef + Sol + Ith 27 1.09Nef ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Rhyme 2 Shields Shael + Eth 29 1.09Shael ![]() ![]() |
Silence 6 Weapons Dol + Eld + Hel + Ist + Tir + Vex 55 1.09Dol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Smoke 2 Body Armor Nef + Lum 37 1.09Nef ![]() ![]() |
* Stealth 2 Body Armor Tal + Eth 17 1.09Tal ![]() ![]() |
Steel 2 Swords/Axes/Maces Tir + El 13 1.09Tir ![]() ![]() |
Strength 2 Melee Weapons Amn + Tir 25 1.09Amn ![]() ![]() |
Venom 3 Weapons Tal + Dol + Mal 49 1.09Tal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Wealth 3 Body Armor Lem + Ko + Tir 43 1.09Lem ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* White 2 Wands Dol + Io 35 1.09Dol ![]() ![]() |
Zephyr 2 Missile Weapons Ort + Eth 21 1.09Ort ![]() ![]() |
Beast 5 Axes/Scepters/Hammers Ber + Tir + Um + Mal + Lum 63 1.10Ber ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bramble 4 Body Armor Ral + Ohm + Sur + Eth 61 1.10Ral ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Breath of the Dying 6 Weapons Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth 69 1.10Vex ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Call To Arms 5 Weapons Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm 57 1.10Amn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Chains of Honor 4 Body Armor Dol + Um + Ber + Ist 63 1.10Dol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Chaos 3 Claws Fal + Ohm + Um 57 1.10Fal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Crescent Moon 3 Axes/Swords/Polearms Shael + Um + Tir 47 1.10Shael ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Delirium 3 Helms Lem + Ist + Io 51 1.10Lem ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Doom 5 Axes/Polearms/Hammers Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham 67 1.10Hel ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Duress 3 Body Armor Shael + Um + Thul 47 1.10Shael ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Enigma 3 Body Armor Jah + Ith + Ber 65 1.10Jah ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based On Character Level) Increase Maximum Life 5% Damage Reduced By 8% +14 Life After Each Kill 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana + (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level) 3os Bases for Player Mage Plate Dusk Shroud Archon Plate Breastplate (0 Str Palidin) |
Eternity 5 Melee Weapons Amn + Ber + Ist + Sol + Sur 63 1.10Amn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Exile 4 Shields (Paladin only) Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol 57 1.10Vex ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Famine 4 Axes/Hammers Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah 65 1.10Fal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gloom 3 Body Armor Fal + Um + Pul 47 1.10Fal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hand of Justice 4 Weapons Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo 67 1.10Sur ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Heart of the Oak 4 Staves/Flails Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul 55 1.10Ko ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Kingslayer 4 Swords/Axes Mal + Um + Gul + Fal 53 1.10Mal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Passion 4 Weapons Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem 43 1.10Dol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Prudence 2 Body Armor Mal + Tir 49 1.10Mal ![]() ![]() |
Sanctuary 3 Shields Ko + Ko + Mal 49 1.10Ko ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Splendor 2 Shields Eth + Lum 37 1.10Eth ![]() ![]() |
Stone 4 Body Armor Shael + Um + Pul + Lum 47 1.10Shael ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wind 2 Melee Weapons Sur + El 61 1.10Sur ![]() ![]() |
Brand 4 Missile Weapons Jah + Lo + Mal + Gul 65 1.10 ladJah ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Death 5 Swords/Axes Hel + El + Vex + Ort + Gul 55 1.10 ladHel ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) +1 To Light Radius Level 22 Blood Golem (15 Charges) Requirements -20% |
Destruction 5 Polearms/Swords Vex + Lo + Ber + Jah + Ko 65 1.10 ladVex ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dragon 3 Body Armor/Shields Sur + Lo + Sol 61 1.10 ladSur ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) Increase Maximum Mana 5% (Armor Only) +50 To Mana (Shields Only) +5% To Maximum Lightning Resist Damage Reduced by 7 |
Dream 3 Helms/Shields Io + Jah + Pul 65 1.10 ladIo ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based On Character Level) All Resistances +5-20 (varies) 12-25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies) |
Edge 3 Missile Weapons Tir + Tal + Amn 25 1.10 ladTir ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Faith 4 Missile Weapons Ohm + Jah + Lem + Eld 65 1.10 ladOhm ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Fortitude 4 Weapons/Body Armor El + Sol + Dol + Lo 59 1.10 ladEl ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level)* All Resistances +25-30 (varies) 12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana +1 To Light Radius Body Armor 20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when Struck +25% Faster Cast Rate +300% Enhanced Damage +200% Enhanced Defense +15 Defense +X To Life (Based on Character Level)* Replenish Life +7 +5% To Maximum Lightning Resist All Resistances +25-30 (varies) Damage Reduced By 7 12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana +1 To Light Radius 4os Bases for Player (non-eth) Base / Defence / Ethereal / Fortitude, Weight, Str * Archon Plate / 410-524 / 615-786 / 1845-2358, Light, 103 * Dusk Shroud / 361-467 / 542-701 / 1626-2103, Light, 77 4 os Bases for Merc (eth preferred) Base Defence / Ethereal / Fortitude, Weight, Str Diamond Mail 383-489 / 575-734 / 1725-2202, Medium, 131 Great Hauberk 395-501 / 593-752 / 1779-2256, Light, 118 Lacquered Plate 433-541 / 650-812 / 1950-2436, Medium, 208 Loricated Mail 390-496 / 585-744 / 1755-2232, Heavy, 149 Hellforge Plate 421-530 / 632-795 / 1896-2385, Heavy, 196 Sacred Armor 487-600 / 721-900 / 2163-2700, Medium, 232 Shadow Plate 446-557 / 669-836 / 2007-2508, Heavy, 230 Wire Fleece 364-470 / 563-722 / 1689-2166, Light, 111 Wyrmhide 364-470 / 546-705 / 1638-2115, Light, 84 |
* Grief 5 Swords/Axes Eth + Tir + Lo + Mal + Ral 59 1.10 ladEth ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) Adds 5-30 Fire Damage -20-25% To Enemy Poison Resistance (varies) 20% Deadly Strike Prevent Monster Heal +2 To Mana After Each Kill +10-15 Life After Each Kill (varies) |
Harmony 4 Missile Weapons Tir + Ith + Sol + Ko 39 1.10 ladTir ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ice 4 Missile Weapons Amn + Shael + Jah + Lo 65 1.10 ladAmn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) |
* Infinity 4 Polearms/Spears Ber + Mal + Ber + Ist 63 1.10 ladBer ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Level 21 Cyclone Armor (30 Charges) |
* Insight 4 Polearms/Staves/Missile Weapons Ral + Tir + Tal + Sol 27 1.10 ladRal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Last Wish 6 Swords/Hammers/Axes Jah + Mal + Jah + Sur + Jah + Ber 65 1.10 ladJah ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) |
Lawbringer 3 Swords/Hammers/Scepters Amn + Lem + Ko 43 1.10 ladAmn ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oath 4 Swords/Axes/Maces Shael + Pul + Mal + Lum 49 1.10 ladShael ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Obedience 5 Polearms/Spears Hel + Ko + Thul + Eth + Fal 41 1.10 ladHel ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Phoenix 4 Weapons/Shields Vex + Vex + Lo + Jah 65 1.10 ladVex ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pride 4 Polearms/Spears Cham + Sur + Io + Lo 67 1.10 ladCham ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) Adds 50-280 Lightning Damage 20% Deadly Strike Hit Blinds Target Freezes Target +3 +10 To Vitality Replenish Life +8 1.875-185.625% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level) |
Rift 4 Polearms/Scepters Hel + Ko + Lem + Gul 53 1.10 ladHel ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Spirit 4 Swords/Shields Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn 25 1.10 ladTal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Voice of Reason 4 Swords/Maces Lem + Ko + El + Eld 43 1.10 ladLem ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wrath 4 Missile Weapons Pul + Lum + Ber + Mal 63 1.10 ladPul ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bone 3 Body Armor Sol + Um + Um 47 1.11Sol ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Enlightenment 3 Body Armor Pul + Ral + Sol 45 1.11Pul ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Myth 3 Body Armor Hel + Amn + Nef 25 1.11Hel ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Peace 3 Body Armor Shael + Thul + Amn 29 1.11Shael ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Principle 3 Body Armor Ral + Gul + Eld 53 1.11Ral ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rain 3 Body Armor Ort + Mal + Ith 49 1.11Ort ![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Treachery 3 Body Armor Shael + Thul + Lem 43 1.11Shael ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Flickering Flame 3 Helms Nef + Pul + Vex 55 2.4 ladNef ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mist 5 Missile Weapons Cham + Shael + Gul + Thul + Ith 67 2.4 ladCham ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Obsession 6 Staves Zod + Ist + Lem + Lum + Io + Nef 69 2.4 ladZod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pattern 3 Claws Tal + Ort + Thul 23 2.4 ladTal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Plague 3 Swords/Claws/Daggers Cham + Shael + Um 67 2.4 ladCham ![]() ![]() ![]() (Based on Character Level) +25% Chance of Open Wounds Freezes Target +3 |
Unbending Will 6 Swords Fal + Io + Ith + Eld + El + Hel 41 2.4 ladFal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wisdom 3 Helms Pul + Ith + Eld 45 2.4 ladPul ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bulwark 3 Helms Shael + Io + Sol 35 2.6Shael![]() ![]() ![]() |
Cure 3 Helms Shael + Io + Tal 35 2.6Shael![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ground 3 Helms Shael + Io + Ort 35 2.6Shael![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hearth 3 Helms Shael + Io + Thul 35 2.6Shael![]() ![]() ![]() |
Temper 3 Helms Shael + Io + Ral 35 2.6Shael![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hustle 3 Body Armor/Weapons Shael + Ko + Eld 39 2.6Shael![]() ![]() ![]() |
* Mosaic 3 Claw Mal + Gul + Amn 53 2.6Mal![]() ![]() ![]() |
Metamorphosis 3 Helm Io + Cham + Fal 67 2.6Io![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rerolling Magic/Rare Items |
3 Perfect Gems + Magic Item → New Random Magic Item of the same type (Grand Charms) Skillers ilvl 50, Skillers with +(41-45) Life ilvl 94 Hell Baal, Diablo, Nihlathak |
6 Perfect Skulls + Rare Item → Random Low Quality Rare Item of the same type (Diadems) |
Socketing (with Act 5 Larzuk, Cube, or Ebug) |
Normal drops = max 3* sockets (*Cows = 4 socket, Larzuk # sockets = ilvl ← mlvl ← alvl) |
nm drops = max 4 sockets (0 MF is best for finding bases) |
Hell drops = max 6 sockets |
Larzuk = max 1 socket to uniques, 1-6 sockets to white bases depending on ilvl and type |
Tal + Thul + Perfect Topaz + Normal Body Armor → Socketed Body Armor of same type Tal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ral + Amn + Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon → Socketed Weapon of same type Ral ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ral + Thul + Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm → Socketed Helm of same type Ral ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tal + Amn + Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield → Socketed Shield of same type Tal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hel + Scroll of Town Portal + Any Socketed Item → Remove gems, runes, or jewels from socketsHel ![]() ![]() |
Repair (Note: You cannot repair Ethereal items) |
Ort Rune + Weapon → Fully Repaired Weapon Ort ![]() |
Ral Rune + Armor → Fully Repaired Armor Ral ![]() |
Ort Rune + Chipped Gem + Weapon → Fully Repaired and Recharged Weapon Ort ![]() (Usefull for recharging Teleport) staff |
Ral Rune + Flawed Gem + Armor → Fully Repaired and Recharged Armor Ral ![]() |
Misc. Cube |
3x Rejuvenation Potions → Full Rejuvenation Potion |
Staff + Kris + Belt + Diamond → Savage Polearm Class Weapon 66-80% Enhanced Damage Weapon Type one of: Bardiche, Battle Scythe, Bill, Halbred, Lochaber Axe, Partizan, Poleaxe, Scythe, Voulge, War Scythe |
3x Magic Amulets → 1x Random Ring ilvl = int(0.75 * clvl) |
3x Magic Ring → 1x Random Amulet ilvl = int(0.75 * clvl) |
Gem Tiers | clvl | Socket | Amethyst | Diamond | Emerald | Ruby | Sapphire | Skull | Topaz | |
Weapon | + 40 AR | +28% Damage Undead | +10 Poison dmg/3s | 3-4 Fire dmg | 1- 3 Cold dmg, 1.0s | Steals 2% life, 1% Mana | 1- 8 Lightning dmg | |||
Chipped | 1 | Shield | +8 Def | Resist All +6% | 12% Resist Poison | 12% Resist Fire | 12% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 4 dmg | 12% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +3 STR | + 20 AR | +3 Dexterity | +10 Life | +10 Max Mana | Replenish Life +2, Regenerate Mana 8% | +9% MF | |||
Weapon | + 60 AR | +34% Damage Undead | +20 Poison dmg/4s | 5-8 Fire dmg | 3- 5 Cold dmg, 1.4s | Steals 2% life, 2% Mana | 1-14 Lightning dmg | |||
Flawed | 5 | Shield | +12 Def | Resist All +8% | 16% Resist Poison | 16% Resist Fire | 16% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 8 dmg | 16% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +4 STR | + 40 AR | +4 Dexterity | +17 Life | +17 Max Mana | Replenish Life +3, Regenerate Mana 8% | +13% MF | |||
Weapon | + 80 AR | +44% Damage Undead | +40 Poison dmg/5s | 8-12 Fire dmg | 4- 7 Cold dmg, 2.0s | Steals 3% life, 2% Mana | 1-22 Lightning dmg | |||
(normal) | 12 | Shield | +18 Def | Resist All +11% | 22% Resist Poison | 22% Resist Fire | 22% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 12 dmg | 22% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +6 STR | + 60 AR | +6 Dexterity | +24 Life | +24 Max Mana | Replenish Life +3, Regenerate Mana 12% | +16% MF | |||
Weapon | +100 AR | +54% Damage Undead | +60 Poison dmg/6s | 10-16 Fire dmg | 6-20 Cold dmg, 2.4s | Steals 3% life, 3% Mana | 1-30 Lightning dmg | |||
Flawless | 15 | Shield | +24 Def | Resist All +14% | 28% Resist Poison | 28% Resist Fire | 28% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 16 dmg | 28% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +8 STR | + 80 AR | +8 Dexterity | +31 Life | +31 Max Mana | Replenish Life +4, Regenerate Mana 12% | +20% MF | |||
Weapon | +150 AR | +68% Damage Undead | +100 Poison dmg/7s | 15-20 Fire dmg | 10-14 Cold dmg, 3.0s | Steals 4% life, 3% Mana | 1-40 Lightning dmg | |||
Perfect | 18 | Shield | +30 Def | Resist All +19% | 40% Resist Poison | 40% Resist Fire | 40% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 20 dmg | 40% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +10 STR | +100 AR | +10 Dexterity | +38 Life | +38 Max Mana | Replenish Life +5, Regenerate Mana 19% | +24% MF |
Gem Tiers | clvl | Socket | Amethyst | Diamond | Emerald | Ruby | |
Weapon | + 40 AR | +28% Damage Undead | +10 Poison dmg/3s | 3-4 Fire dmg | |||
Chipped | 1 | Shield | +8 Def | Resist All +6% | 12% Resist Poison | 12% Resist Fire | |
Armor | +3 STR | + 20 AR | +3 Dexterity | +10 Life | |||
Weapon | + 60 AR | +34% Damage Undead | +20 Poison dmg/4s | 5-8 Fire dmg | |||
Flawed | 5 | Shield | +12 Def | Resist All +8% | 16% Resist Poison | 16% Resist Fire | |
Armor | +4 STR | + 40 AR | +4 Dexterity | +17 Life | |||
Weapon | + 80 AR | +44% Damage Undead | +40 Poison dmg/5s | 8-12 Fire dmg | |||
(normal) | 12 | Shield | +18 Def | Resist All +11% | 22% Resist Poison | 22% Resist Fire | |
Armor | +6 STR | + 60 AR | +6 Dexterity | +24 Life | |||
Weapon | +100 AR | +54% Damage Undead | +60 Poison dmg/6s | 10-16 Fire dmg | |||
Flawless | 15 | Shield | +24 Def | Resist All +14% | 28% Resist Poison | 28% Resist Fire | |
Armor | +8 STR | + 80 AR | +8 Dexterity | +31 Life | |||
Weapon | +150 AR | +68% Damage Undead | +100 Poison dmg/7s | 15-20 Fire dmg | |||
Perfect | 18 | Shield | +30 Def | Resist All +19% | 40% Resist Poison | 40% Resist Fire | |
Armor | +10 STR | +100 AR | +10 Dexterity | +38 Life |
Gem Tiers | clvl | Socket | Sapphire | Skull | Topaz | |
Weapon | 1- 3 Cold dmg, 1.0s | Steals 2% life, 1% Mana | 1- 8 Lightning dmg | |||
Chipped | 1 | Shield | 12% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 4 dmg | 12% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +10 Max Mana | Replenish Life +2, Regenerate Mana 8% | +9% MF | |||
Weapon | 3- 5 Cold dmg, 1.4s | Steals 2% life, 2% Mana | 1-14 Lightning dmg | |||
Flawed | 5 | Shield | 16% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 8 dmg | 16% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +17 Max Mana | Replenish Life +3, Regenerate Mana 8% | +13% Chance to Find Magic Items | |||
Weapon | 4- 7 Cold dmg, 2.0s | Steals 3% life, 2% Mana | 1-22 Lightning dmg | |||
(normal) | 12 | Shield | 22% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 12 dmg | 22% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +24 Max Mana | Replenish Life +3, Regenerate Mana 12% | +16% Chance to Find Magic Items | |||
Weapon | 6-20 Cold dmg, 2.4s | Steals 3% life, 3% Mana | 1-30 Lightning dmg | |||
Flawless | 15 | Shield | 28% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 16 dmg | 28% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +31 Max Mana | Replenish Life +4, Regenerate Mana 12% | +20% Chance to Find Magic Items | |||
Weapon | 10-14 Cold dmg, 3.0s | Steals 4% life, 3% Mana | 1-40 Lightning dmg | |||
Perfect | 18 | Shield | 40% Resist Cold | Attackers takes 20 dmg | 40% Resist Lightning | |
Armor | +38 Max Mana | Replenish Life +5, Regenerate Mana 19% | +24% Chance to Find Magic Items |
Crafted Items | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gambling, ilvl = clvl +4/-5, Gheeds (10-15%) discount, Edge 15% discount
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Armor "Occupancy" Grid
* By knowing the base type (Normal / Exceptional / Elite) of an item you can tell what Set or Unique the item is BEFORE identifying it!
* Don't fall for trade scams due to base types looking the same.
i.e. Sellers may trade an unidentified Mask (Cathan's Visage) masquerading as a Death Mask (Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest)
Norm Belts | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Belt | Hsarus' Iron Stay | Nightsmoke | Mesh Belt | Tal Rasha's Fire-Spun Cloth | Gloom's Trap | Mithril Coil | Credendum | Verdungo's Hearty Cord |
Belt | Hwanin's Blessing | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Heavy Belt | Infernal Sign | Goldwrap | Battle Belt | Wilhelm's Pride | Snowclash | Troll Belt | Trang-Oul's Avatar | --- |
Heavy Belt | Iratha's Cord | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Light Belt | Arctic Binding | Snakecord | Sharkskin Belt | M'avina's Tenet | Razortail | Vampirefang Belt | --- | Nosferatu's Coil |
Plated Belt | Sigon's Wrap | BladeBuckle | War Belt | Immortal King | Thundergod's Vigor | Colossus Girdle | --- | --- |
Sash | Death's Guard | Lenymo | Demonhide Sash | --- | String of Ears | Spiderweb Sash | --- | Arachnid Mesh |
Norm Boots | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Boots | Tancred's Hobnails | Hotspur | Demonhide Boots | Rite of Passage | Infernostride | Wyrmhide Boots | --- | --- |
Chain Boots | Hsarus' Iron Heel | Treads of Cthon | Mesh Boots | Natalya's Soul | Silkweave | Boneweave Boots | --- | Marrowwalk |
Greaves | Sigon's Sabot | Tearhaunch | War Boots | Immortal King's Pillar | Gore Rider | Myrmidon Greaves | --- | Shadow Dancer |
Heavy Boots | Cow King's Hooves | Gorefoot | Sharkskin Boots | --- | Waterwalk | Scarabshell Boots | --- | Sandstorm Trek |
Heavy Boots | Sander's Riprap | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Light Plated Boots | Vidala's Fetlock | Goblin Toe | Battle Boots | Aldur's Advance | War Traveler | Mirrored Boots | --- | --- |
Norm Chest | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Ancient Armor | Milabrega's Robe | Silks of the Victor | Ornate Plate | Griswold's Heart | Corpsemourn | Sacred Armor | Immortal King's Soul Cage | Tyrael's Might |
Breast Plate | Isenhart's Case | Venom Ward | Cuirass | Haemosu's Adamant | Duriel's Shell | Great Hauberk | --- | --- |
Chain Mail | Cathan's Mesh | Sparking Mail | Mesh Armor | --- | Shaftstop | Boneweave | --- | --- |
Gothic Plate | Sigon's Shelter | Rattlecage | Embossed Plate | --- | Atma's Wail | Lacquered Plate | Tal Rasha's Guardianship | --- |
Field Plate | --- | Rockfleece | Sharktooth Armor | --- | Toothrow | Kraken Shell | M'avina's Embrace | Leviathan |
Full Plate Mail | Tancred's Spine | Goldskin | Chaos Armor | Trang-Oul's Scales | Black Hades | Shadow Plate | Aldur's Deception | Steel Carapace |
Hard Leather Armor | --- | The Centurion | Demonhide Armor | --- | Skin of the Flayed One | Scarab Husk | --- | --- |
Leather Armor | Vidala's Ambush | Blinkbat's Form | Serpentskin Armor | --- | Skin of the Vipermagi | Wyrmhide | --- | --- |
Light Plate | Arcanna's Flesh | Heavenly Garb | Mage Plate | --- | Que-Hegan's Wisdom | Archon Plate | --- | --- |
Plate Mail | --- | Boneflesh | Templar Coat | --- | Guardian Angel | Hellforge Plate | Naj's Light Plate | --- |
Quilted Armor | Arctic Furs | Greyform | Ghost Armor | --- | The Spirit Shroud | Dusk Shroud | Dark Adherent | Ormus' Robes |
Ring Mail | Angelic Mantle | Darkglow | Linked Mail | --- | Spirit Forge | Diamond Mail | --- | --- |
Scale Mail | --- | Hawkmail | Tigulated Mail | Hwanin's Refuge | Crow Caw | Loricated Mail | Natalya's Shadow | --- |
Splint Mail | Berserker's Hauberk | Iceblink | Russet Armor | --- | Skullder's Ire | Balrog Skin | Sazabi's Ghost Liberator | --- |
Studded Leather | Cow King's Hide | Twitchthroe | Trellised Armor | --- | Iron Pelt | Wire Fleece | --- | The Gladiator's Bane |
Norm Gloves | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Leather Gloves | Death's Hand | The Hand of Broc | Demonhide Gloves | --- | Venom Grip | Bramble Mitts | Laying of Hands | --- |
Heavy Gloves | Sander's Taboo | Bloodfist | Sharkskin Gloves | Magnus' Skin | Gravepalm | Vampirebone Gloves | --- | Dracul's Grasp |
Chain Gloves | Cleglaw's Pincers | Chance Guards | Heavy Bracers | Trang-Oul's Claws | Ghoulhide | Vambraces | --- | Soul Drainer |
Light Gauntlets | Iratha's Cuff | Magefist | Battle Gauntlets | M'avina's Icy Clutch | Lava Gout | Crusader Gauntlets | --- | --- |
Gauntlets | Sigon's Gage | Frostburn | War Gauntlets | Immortal King's Forge | Hellmouth | Ogre Gauntlets | --- | Steelrend |
Norm Helms | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Bone Helm | Tancred's Skull | Wormskull | Grim Helm | --- | Vampire Gaze | Bone Visage | --- | Giant Skull |
Cap | Infernal Cranium | Biggin's Bonnet | War Hat | Cow King's Horns | Peasant Crown | Shako | --- | Harlequin Crest |
Cap | Sander's Paragon | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Crown | Iratha's Coil | Undead Crown | Grand Crown | Hwanin's Splendor | Crown of Thieves | Corona | --- | Crown of Ages |
Crown | Milabrega's Diadem | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Helm | Berserker's Helm | Coif of Glory | Casque | --- | --- | Armet | --- | Steel Shade |
Full Helm | Isenhart's Horn | Duskdeep | Basinet | Sazabi's Mental Sheath | --- | Giant Conch | --- | --- |
Great Helm | Sigon's Visor | Howltusk | Winged Helm | Guillaume's Face | --- | Spired Helm | Ondal's Almighty | Veil of Steel |
Great Helm | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Nightwing's Veil |
Mask | Cathan's Visage | The Face of Horror | Death Mask | Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest | Blackhorn's Face | Demonhead | --- | Andariel's Visage |
Skull Cap | Arcanna's Head | Tarnhelm | Sallet | --- | Rockstopper | Hydraskull | --- | --- |
Barb Helms | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Assault Helm | --- | --- | Savage Helmet | --- | --- | Conqueror Crown | --- | Halaberd's Reign |
Avenger Guard | Immortal King's Will | --- | Slayer Guard | --- | Arreat's Face | Guardian Crown | --- | --- |
Fanged Helm | --- | --- | Lion Helm | --- | --- | Fury Visor | --- | Wolfhowl |
Horned Helm | --- | --- | Rage Mask | --- | --- | Destroyed Helm | --- | Demonhorn's Edge |
Jawbone Cap | --- | --- | Jawbone Visor | --- | --- | Carnage Helm | --- | --- |
Circlets (*) | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Unqiue | Elite | Set | Unique | |
Circlet | Naj's Circlet | --- | Coronet | --- | --- | Tiara | --- | Kira's Guardian |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Diadem | M'avina's True Sight | Griffon's Eye |
Druid Pelts | Set | Unique | Exceptional | Set | Unique | Elite | Set | Unique |
Antlers | --- | --- | Hunter's Guise | Aldur's Stony Gaze | Earth Spirit | --- | --- | |
Falcon Mask | --- | --- | Sacred Feathers | --- | --- | Sky Spirit | --- | --- |
Hawk Helm | --- | --- | Griffon Headdress | --- | --- | Sun Spirit | --- | --- |
Spirit Mask | --- | --- | Totemic Mask | --- | --- | Dream Spirit | --- | --- |
Wolf Head | --- | --- | Alpha Helm | --- | --- | Blood Spirit | --- | --- |
Note: (*) Circlets do NOT come in Normal / Exceptional / Elite versions; there are only 4 types. They roughly correspond to: * Circlet (max 2 sockets) = Normal * Coronet (max 2 sockets) = Exceptional * Tiara (max 3 sockets) = Elite * Diadem (max 3 sockets) = Elite
Holy Grail Item Tracker: Normal: 0/12 (0%), Sets: 0/127 (0%), Uniques: 0/391 (0%), Total: 0/530 (0%).
Instructions: | Collect every misc., set, and unique item in the game and mark when owned. |
Click on TC, Base, Own, Normal, Set, or Unique to sort the Holy Grail table by that column. | |
Legend: | q = qlvl (Quality Level); minimum item level for sets and uniques. |
TC | Base | q | Own | Normal | Own | Set | q | Own | Unique | q |
TC87 | Archon Staff | 85 | --- | --- | Mang Song's Lesson | 86 | ||||
TC87 | Berserker Axe | 85 | --- | --- | Death Cleaver | 78 | ||||
TC87 | Bloodlord Skull | 85 | --- | --- | Darkforce Spawn | 72 | ||||
TC87 | Caduceus | 85 | --- | Griswold's Redemption | 44 | Astreon's Iron Ward | 68 | |||
TC87 | Colossus Blade | 85 | --- | Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge | 50 | The Grandfather | 85 | |||
TC87 | Corona | 85 | --- | Griswold's Valor | 44 | Crown of Ages | 86 | |||
TC87 | Diadem | 85 | --- | M'avina's True Sight | 21 | Griffon's Eye | 84 | |||
TC87 | Dimensional Shard | 85 | --- | --- | Death's Fathom | 81 | ||||
TC87 | Giant Thresher | 85 | --- | --- | Stormspire | 78 | ||||
TC87 | Glorious Axe | 85 | --- | --- | Executioner's Justice | 83 | ||||
TC87 | Hydra Bow | 85 | --- | --- | Windforce | 80 | ||||
TC87 | Legend Spike | 85 | --- | --- | Ghostflame | 70 | ||||
TC87 | Myrmidon Greaves | 85 | --- | --- | Shadow Dancer | 79 | ||||
TC87 | Mythical Sword | 85 | --- | Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian | 50 | --- | ||||
TC87 | Ogre Gauntlets | 85 | --- | --- | Steelrend | 78 | ||||
TC87 | Sacred Armor | 85 | --- | Immortal King's Soul Cage | 37 | Tyrael's Might | 87 | |||
TC87 | Sacred Armor | 85 | --- | --- | Templar's Might | 82 | ||||
TC87 | Scissors Suwayyah | 85 | --- | Natalya's Mark | 22 | --- | ||||
TC87 | Thunder Maul | 85 | --- | --- | Earth Shifter | 77 | ||||
TC87 | Thunder Maul | 85 | --- | --- | The Cranium Basher | 85 | ||||
TC87 | Unearthed Wand | 86 | --- | --- | Death's Web | 74 | ||||
TC87 | Vortex Shield | 85 | --- | Griswold's Honor | 44 | --- | ||||
TC87 | War Pike | 85 | --- | --- | Steel Pillar | 77 | ||||
TC87 | Winged Harpoon | 85 | --- | --- | Gargoyle's Bite | 78 | ||||
TC84 | Bone Visage | 84 | --- | Trang-Oul's Guise | 32 | Giant Skull | 73 | |||
TC84 | Champion Axe | 82 | --- | --- | Messerschmidt's Reaver | 75 | ||||
TC84 | Cryptic Sword | 82 | --- | Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer | 34 | Frostwind | 78 | |||
TC84 | Demon Crossbow | 84 | --- | --- | Gut Siphon | 79 | ||||
TC84 | Fanged Knife | 83 | --- | --- | Fleshripper | 76 | ||||
TC84 | Lacquered Plate | 82 | --- | Tal Rasha's Guardianship | 26 | --- | ||||
TC84 | Legendary Mallet | 82 | --- | --- | Schaefer's Hammer | 83 | ||||
TC84 | Legendary Mallet | 82 | --- | --- | Stone Crusher | 76 | ||||
TC84 | Shadow Plate | 83 | --- | Aldur's Deception | 29 | Steel Carapace | 74 | |||
TC84 | Sky Spirit | 83 | --- | --- | Ravenlore | 82 | ||||
TC84 | Troll Belt | 82 | --- | Trang-Oul's Girth | 32 | --- | ||||
TC84 | Ward | 84 | --- | Taebaek's Glory | 55 | Spirit Ward | 76 | |||
TC84 | Zakarum Shield | 82 | --- | --- | Dragonscale | 84 | ||||
TC81 | Aegis | 79 | --- | --- | Medusa's Gaze | 84 | ||||
TC81 | Conquerer Crown | 80 | --- | --- | Halaberd's Reign | 85 | ||||
TC81 | Cryptic Axe | 79 | --- | --- | Tomb Reaver | 86 | ||||
TC81 | Ghost Glaive | 79 | --- | --- | Wraith Flight | 84 | ||||
TC81 | Kraken Shell | 81 | --- | M'avina's Embrace | 21 | Leviathan | 73 | |||
TC81 | Spired Helm | 79 | --- | Ondal's Almighty | 55 | Veil of Steel | 77 | |||
TC81 | Spired Helm | 79 | --- | --- | Nightwing's Veil | 75 | ||||
TC81 | Succubus Skull | 81 | --- | --- | Boneflame | 80 | ||||
TC81 | Ward Bow | 80 | --- | --- | Widowmaker | 73 | ||||
TC81 | War Spike | 79 | --- | --- | Cranebeak | 71 | ||||
TC81 | Winged Axe | 80 | --- | --- | Lacerator | 76 | ||||
TC78 | Balrog Skin | 76 | --- | Sazabi's Ghost Liberator | 34 | Arkaine's Valor | 85 | |||
TC78 | Champion Sword | 77 | --- | --- | Doombringer | 75 | ||||
TC78 | Crusader Bow | 77 | --- | --- | Eaglehorn | 77 | ||||
TC78 | Earth Spirit | 76 | --- | --- | Spirit Keeper | 75 | ||||
TC78 | Feral Claws | 78 | --- | --- | Firelizard's Talons | 75 | ||||
TC78 | Grand Matron Bow | 78 | --- | M'avina's Caster | 21 | --- | ||||
TC78 | Hellforge Plate | 78 | --- | Naj's Light Plate | 43 | --- | ||||
TC78 | Scourge | 76 | --- | --- | Horizon's Tornado | 72 | ||||
TC78 | Scourge | 76 | --- | --- | Stormlash | 86 | ||||
TC78 | Troll Nest | 76 | --- | --- | Head Hunter's Glory | 83 | ||||
TC78 | Winged Knife | 77 | --- | --- | Warshrike | 83 | ||||
TC75 | Battle Cestus | 73 | --- | --- | Shadow Killer | 85 | ||||
TC75 | Colossus Crossbow | 75 | --- | --- | Hellrack | 84 | ||||
TC75 | Decapitator | 73 | --- | --- | Hellslayer | 71 | ||||
TC75 | Demonhead | 74 | --- | --- | Andariel's Visage | 85 | ||||
TC75 | Destroyer Helm | 73 | --- | --- | Demonhorn's Edge | 69 | ||||
TC75 | Elder Staff | 74 | --- | Naj's Puzzler | 43 | Ondal's Wisdom | 74 | |||
TC75 | Lich Wand | 75 | --- | --- | Boneshade | 84 | ||||
TC75 | Loricated Mail | 73 | --- | Natalya's Shadow | 22 | --- | ||||
TC75 | Mancatcher | 74 | --- | --- | Viperfork | 79 | ||||
TC75 | Mithril Coil | 75 | --- | Credendum | 39 | Verdungo's Hearty Cord | 71 | |||
TC75 | Phase Blade | 73 | --- | --- | Azurewrath | 87 | ||||
TC75 | Phase Blade | 73 | --- | --- | Lightsabre | 66 | ||||
TC72 | Balrog Blade | 71 | --- | --- | Flamebellow | 79 | ||||
TC72 | Balrog Spear | 71 | --- | --- | Demon's Arch | 76 | ||||
TC72 | Boneweave Boots | 72 | --- | --- | Marrowwalk | 74 | ||||
TC72 | Devil Star | 70 | --- | --- | Baranar's Star | 70 | ||||
TC72 | Ettin Axe | 70 | --- | --- | Rune Master | 80 | ||||
TC72 | Monarch | 72 | --- | --- | Stormshield | 77 | ||||
TC72 | Sacred Rondache | 70 | --- | --- | Alma Negra | 85 | ||||
TC72 | Thresher | 71 | --- | --- | The Reaper's Toll | 83 | ||||
TC72 | Tiara | 70 | --- | --- | Kira's Guardian | 85 | ||||
TC72 | Wire Fleece | 70 | --- | --- | The Gladiator's Bane | 85 | ||||
TC69 | Armet | 68 | --- | --- | Steelshade | 70 | ||||
TC69 | Blade Barrier | 68 | --- | --- | Spike Thorn | 78 | ||||
TC69 | Eldritch Orb | 67 | --- | --- | Eschuta's Temper | 80 | ||||
TC69 | Ogre Maul | 69 | --- | Immortal King's Stone Crusher | 37 | Windhammer | 76 | |||
TC69 | Vambraces | 69 | --- | --- | Soul Drainer | 82 | ||||
TC69 | Vampirefang Belt | 68 | --- | --- | Nosferatu's Coil | 68 | ||||
TC66 | Dusk Shroud | 65 | --- | Dark Adherent | 39 | Ormus' Robes | 83 | |||
TC66 | Fury Visor | 66 | --- | --- | Wolfhowl | 85 | ||||
TC66 | Matriarchal Javelin | 65 | --- | --- | Thunderstroke | 77 | ||||
TC66 | Ornate Armor | 64 | --- | Griswold's Heart | 44 | Corpsemourn | 63 | |||
TC66 | Scarabshell Boots | 66 | --- | --- | Sandstorm Trek | 72 | ||||
TC66 | Silver Edged Axe | 65 | --- | --- | Ethereal Edge | 82 | ||||
TC63 | Ataghan | 61 | --- | --- | Djinn Slayer | 73 | ||||
TC63 | Blood Spirt | 62 | --- | --- | Cerebus' Bite | 71 | ||||
TC63 | Chaos Armor | 61 | --- | Trang-Oul's Scales | 32 | Black Hades | 61 | |||
TC63 | Elegant Blade | 63 | --- | --- | Bloodmoon | 69 | ||||
TC63 | Luna | 61 | --- | --- | Blackoak Shield | 67 | ||||
TC63 | Matriarchal Spear | 61 | --- | --- | Stoneraven | 72 | ||||
TC63 | Mighty Scepter | 62 | --- | --- | Heaven's Light | 69 | ||||
TC63 | Mighty Scepter | 62 | --- | --- | The Redeemer | 80 | ||||
TC63 | Reinforced Mace | 63 | --- | Dangoon's Teaching | 55 | --- | ||||
TC63 | Spiderweb Sash | 61 | --- | --- | Arachnid Mesh | 87 | ||||
TC63 | Vampirebone Gloves | 63 | --- | --- | Dracul's Grasp | 84 | ||||
TC63 | Wrist Sword | 62 | --- | --- | Jade Talon | 74 | ||||
TC60 | Bone Knife | 58 | --- | --- | Wizardspike | 69 | ||||
TC60 | Embossed Plate | 58 | --- | --- | Atma's Wail | 59 | ||||
TC60 | Hyperion Spear | 58 | --- | --- | Arioc's Needle | 85 | ||||
TC60 | Mage Plate | 60 | --- | --- | Que-Hegan's Wisdom | 59 | ||||
TC60 | Ogre Axe | 60 | --- | --- | Bonehew | 72 | ||||
TC60 | Shako | 58 | --- | --- | Harlequin Crest | 69 | ||||
TC57 | Ancient Shield | 56 | --- | --- | Radament's Sphere | 58 | ||||
TC57 | Bramble Mitts | 57 | --- | Laying of Hands | 39 | --- | ||||
TC57 | Flying Axe | 56 | --- | --- | Gimmershred | 78 | ||||
TC57 | Grand Crown | 55 | --- | Hwanin's Splendor | 28 | Crown of Thieves | 57 | |||
TC57 | Grim Scythe | 55 | --- | --- | Grim's Burning Dead | 52 | ||||
TC57 | Sharktooth Armor | 55 | --- | --- | Toothrow | 56 | ||||
TC57 | Totemic Mask | 55 | --- | --- | Jalal's Mane | 50 | ||||
TC57 | Tyrant Club | 57 | --- | --- | Demon Limb | 71 | ||||
TC54 | Chu-Ko-Nu | 54 | --- | --- | Demon Machine | 57 | ||||
TC54 | Executioner Sword | 54 | --- | --- | Swordguard | 55 | ||||
TC54 | Gothic Bow | 52 | --- | --- | Goldstrike Arch | 54 | ||||
TC54 | Hierophant Trophy | 54 | --- | --- | Homunculus | 50 | ||||
TC54 | Martel de Fer | 53 | --- | --- | The Gavel of Pain | 53 | ||||
TC54 | Matriarchal Bow | 53 | --- | --- | Bloodraven's Charge | 79 | ||||
TC54 | Slayer Guard | 54 | --- | --- | Arreat's Face | 50 | ||||
TC54 | Templar Coat | 52 | --- | --- | Guardian Angel | 53 | ||||
TC54 | Tomahawk | 54 | --- | --- | Razor's Edge | 75 | ||||
TC54 | Truncheon | 52 | --- | --- | Nord's Tenderizer | 76 | ||||
TC54 | War Belt | 54 | --- | Immortal King's Detail | 37 | Thundergod's Vigor | 55 | |||
TC54 | War Boots | 54 | --- | Immortal King's Pillar | 37 | Gore Rider | 55 | |||
TC54 | War Gauntlets | 54 | --- | Immortal King's Forge | 37 | Hellmouth | 55 | |||
TC51 | Ancient Axe | 51 | --- | --- | The Minotaur | 53 | ||||
TC51 | Ancient Sword | 49 | --- | --- | The Atlantean | 50 | ||||
TC51 | Battle Belt | 49 | --- | Wilhelm's Pride | 41 | Snowclash | 49 | |||
TC51 | Battle Boots | 49 | --- | Aldur's Advance | 29 | War Traveler | 50 | |||
TC51 | Battle Gauntlets | 49 | --- | M'avina's Icy Clutch | 21 | Lava Gout | 50 | |||
TC51 | Bec-de-Corbin | 51 | --- | --- | Husoldal Evo | 52 | ||||
TC51 | Cantor Trophy | 49 | --- | Trang-Oul's Wing | 32 | --- | ||||
TC51 | Ceremonial Pike | 51 | --- | --- | Lycander's Flank | 50 | ||||
TC51 | Grave Wand | 49 | --- | --- | Blackhand Key | 49 | ||||
TC51 | Greater Talons | 50 | --- | --- | Bartuc's Cut-Throat | 50 | ||||
TC51 | Grim Helm | 50 | --- | Natalya's Totem | 22 | Vampire Gaze | 49 | |||
TC51 | Gilded Shield | 51 | --- | --- | Herald of Zakarum | 50 | ||||
TC51 | Pavise | 50 | --- | --- | Gerke's Sanctuary | 52 | ||||
TC51 | Rune Bow | 49 | --- | --- | Magewrath | 51 | ||||
TC51 | Russet Armor | 49 | --- | --- | Skullder's Ire | 50 | ||||
TC51 | Swirling Crystal | 50 | --- | Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye | 26 | The Oculus | 50 | |||
TC51 | Winged Helm | 51 | --- | Guillaume's Face | 41 | Valkyrie Wing | 52 | |||
TC51 | Zweihander | 49 | --- | --- | Todesfaelle Flamme | 54 | ||||
TC48 | Ballista | 47 | --- | --- | Buriza-Do Kyanon | 59 | ||||
TC48 | Battle Hammer | 48 | --- | --- | Earthshaker | 51 | ||||
TC48 | Ceremonial Bow | 47 | --- | --- | Lycander's Aim | 50 | ||||
TC48 | Cuirass | 47 | --- | Haemosu's Adamant | 55 | Duriel's Shell | 49 | |||
TC48 | Death Mask | 48 | --- | Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest | 26 | Blackhorn's Face | 49 | |||
TC48 | Gothic Axe | 46 | --- | --- | Boneslayer Blade | 50 | ||||
TC48 | Gothic Sword | 48 | --- | --- | Cloudcrack | 53 | ||||
TC48 | Grim Shield | 48 | --- | --- | Lidless Wall | 49 | ||||
TC48 | Hunter's Guise | 46 | --- | Aldur's Stony Gaze | 29 | --- | ||||
TC48 | Lance | 47 | --- | --- | Spire of Honor | 47 | ||||
TC48 | Large Siege Bow | 46 | --- | --- | Cliffkiller | 49 | ||||
TC48 | Naga | 48 | --- | --- | Guardian Naga | 56 | ||||
TC48 | Rune Staff | 47 | --- | --- | Skull Collector | 49 | ||||
TC48 | Stiletto | 46 | --- | --- | Stormspike | 49 | ||||
TC45 | Basinet | 45 | --- | Sazabi's Mental Sheath | 34 | Darksight Helm | 46 | |||
TC45 | Crowbill | 43 | --- | --- | Pompeii's Wrath | 53 | ||||
TC45 | Cutlass | 43 | --- | --- | Coldsteel Eye | 39 | ||||
TC45 | Divine Scepter | 45 | --- | --- | Hand of Blessed Light | 50 | ||||
TC45 | Dragon Shield | 45 | --- | --- | Tiamat's Rebuke | 46 | ||||
TC45 | Heavy Bracers | 43 | --- | Trang-Oul's Claws | 32 | Ghoulhide | 44 | |||
TC45 | Knout | 43 | --- | --- | Baezil's Vortex | 53 | ||||
TC45 | Mesh Armor | 45 | --- | --- | Shaftstop | 46 | ||||
TC45 | Mesh Belt | 43 | --- | Tal Rasha's Fire-Spun Cloth | 26 | Gloom's Trap | 45 | |||
TC45 | Mesh Boots | 43 | --- | Natalya's Soul | 22 | Silkweave | 44 | |||
TC45 | Rune Sword | 44 | --- | --- | Plague Bearer | 49 | ||||
TC45 | Short Siege Bow | 43 | --- | --- | Witchwild String | 47 | ||||
TC45 | Tigulated Mail | 43 | --- | Hwanin's Refuge | 28 | Crow Caw | 45 | |||
TC45 | Tomb Wand | 43 | --- | --- | Arm of King Leoric | 44 | ||||
TC45 | Tusk Sword | 45 | --- | --- | The Vile Husk | 52 | ||||
TC45 | War Club | 45 | --- | --- | Bloodtree Stump | 56 | ||||
TC45 | Yari | 44 | --- | --- | Hone Sundan | 45 | ||||
TC42 | Ancient Armor | 40 | --- | Milabrega's Robe | 23 | Silks of the Victor | 38 | |||
TC42 | Barbed Shield | 42 | --- | --- | Lance Guard | 43 | ||||
TC42 | Battle Scythe | 40 | --- | --- | Athena's Wrath | 50 | ||||
TC42 | Battle Sword | 40 | --- | --- | Headstriker | 47 | ||||
TC42 | Casque | 42 | --- | --- | Stealskull | 43 | ||||
TC42 | Cinquedeas | 42 | --- | --- | Blackbog's Sharp | 46 | ||||
TC42 | Dacian Falx | 42 | --- | --- | Bing Sz Wang | 51 | ||||
TC42 | Gothic Staff | 42 | --- | --- | Warpspear | 47 | ||||
TC42 | Holy Water Sprinkler | 40 | --- | --- | The Fetid Sprinkler | 46 | ||||
TC42 | Linked Mail | 42 | --- | --- | Spirit Forge | 43 | ||||
TC42 | Scutum | 42 | --- | --- | Stormchaser | 43 | ||||
TC42 | Siege Crossbow | 40 | --- | --- | Pus Spitter | 44 | ||||
TC42 | Tabar | 42 | --- | --- | Stormrider | 49 | ||||
TC42 | Trellised Armor | 40 | --- | --- | Iron Pelt | 41 | ||||
TC42 | War Fork | 41 | --- | --- | Soulfeast Tine | 43 | ||||
TC39 | Bearded Axe | 38 | --- | --- | Spellsteel | 47 | ||||
TC39 | Bill | 37 | --- | Hwanin's Justice | 28 | Blackleach Blade | 50 | |||
TC39 | Cedar Staff | 38 | --- | --- | Chromatic Ire | 43 | ||||
TC39 | Demonhide Armor | 37 | --- | --- | Skin of the Flayed One | 39 | ||||
TC39 | Dimensional Blade | 37 | --- | --- | Ginther's Rift | 45 | ||||
TC39 | Double Bow | 39 | --- | --- | Endlesshail | 44 | ||||
TC39 | Espadon | 37 | --- | --- | Crainte Vomir | 50 | ||||
TC39 | Full Plate Mail | 37 | --- | Tancred's Spine | 27 | Goldskin | 38 | |||
TC39 | Jagged Star | 39 | --- | Aldur's Rhythm | 29 | Moonfall | 50 | |||
TC39 | Petrified Wand | 38 | --- | --- | Carin Shard | 43 | ||||
TC39 | Round Shield | 37 | --- | Whitstan's Guard | 41 | Moser's Blessed Circle | 39 | |||
TC39 | Sallet | 37 | --- | --- | Rockstopper | 39 | ||||
TC39 | Sharkskin Belt | 39 | --- | M'avina's Tenet | 21 | Razortail | 39 | |||
TC39 | Sharkskin Boots | 39 | --- | --- | Waterwalk | 40 | ||||
TC39 | Sharkskin Gloves | 39 | --- | Magnus' Skin | 41 | Gravepalm | 39 | |||
TC39 | Tulwar | 37 | --- | --- | Blade of Ali Baba | 43 | ||||
TC39 | Twin Axe | 39 | --- | --- | Islestrike | 51 | ||||
TC36 | Arbalest | 34 | --- | --- | Langer Briser | 40 | ||||
TC36 | Cedar Bow | 35 | --- | --- | Kuko Shakaku | 41 | ||||
TC36 | Ceremonial Javelin | 35 | --- | --- | Titan's Revenge | 50 | ||||
TC36 | Cleaver | 34 | --- | --- | Butcher's Pupil | 47 | ||||
TC36 | Defender | 34 | --- | --- | Viscerataunt | 36 | ||||
TC36 | Demonhide Boots | 36 | --- | Rite of Passage | 39 | Infernostride | 37 | |||
TC36 | Demonhide Sash | 36 | --- | --- | String of Ears | 37 | ||||
TC36 | Flanged Mace | 35 | --- | --- | Sureshrill Frost | 47 | ||||
TC36 | Francisca | 34 | --- | --- | The Scalper | 65 | ||||
TC36 | Fuscina | 36 | --- | --- | Kelpie Snare | 41 | ||||
TC36 | Ghost Armor | 34 | --- | --- | The Spirit Shroud | 36 | ||||
TC36 | Light Plate | 35 | --- | Arcanna's Flesh | 20 | Heavenly Garb | 39 | |||
TC36 | Military Axe | 34 | --- | --- | Warlord's Trust | 43 | ||||
TC36 | Partizan | 35 | --- | --- | Pierre Tombale Couant | 51 | ||||
TC36 | Quarterstaff | 35 | --- | --- | Ribcracker | 39 | ||||
TC36 | Rondel | 36 | --- | --- | Heart Carver | 44 | ||||
TC36 | Serpentskin Armor | 36 | --- | --- | Skin of the Vipermagi | 37 | ||||
TC36 | Shamshir | 35 | --- | --- | Hexfire | 41 | ||||
TC36 | War Hat | 34 | --- | Cow King's Horns | 20 | Peasant Crown | 36 | |||
TC36 | War Scythe | 34 | --- | --- | The Grim Reaper | 39 | ||||
TC33 | Barbed Club | 32 | --- | --- | Fleshrender | 46 | ||||
TC33 | Battle Dart | 31 | --- | --- | Deathbit | 52 | ||||
TC33 | Burnt Wand | 31 | --- | --- | Suicide Branch | 41 | ||||
TC33 | Demonhide Gloves | 33 | --- | --- | Venom Grip | 37 | ||||
TC33 | Gothic Plate | 32 | --- | Sigon's Shelter | 9 | Rattlecage | 39 | |||
TC33 | Great Maul | 32 | --- | --- | Steeldriver | 39 | ||||
TC33 | Great Sword | 33 | --- | --- | The Patriarch | 39 | ||||
TC33 | Hatchet | 31 | --- | --- | Coldkill | 44 | ||||
TC33 | Lochaber Axe | 33 | --- | --- | The Meat Scraper | 49 | ||||
TC33 | Long War Bow | 31 | --- | --- | Blastbark | 38 | ||||
TC33 | Poignard | 31 | --- | --- | Spineripper | 40 | ||||
TC33 | Razor Bow | 33 | --- | --- | Riphook | 39 | ||||
TC33 | Repeating Crossbow | 33 | --- | --- | Doomslinger | 38 | ||||
TC33 | Rune Scepter | 31 | --- | --- | Zakarum's Hand | 45 | ||||
TC33 | War Spear | 33 | --- | --- | The Impaler | 39 | ||||
TC30 | Crown | 29 | --- | Iratha's Coil | 21 | Undead Crown | 39 | |||
TC30 | Crown | 29 | --- | Milabrega's Diadem | 23 | --- | ||||
TC30 | Cudgel | 30 | --- | --- | Dark Clan Crusher | 42 | ||||
TC30 | Edge Bow | 30 | --- | --- | Skystrike | 36 | ||||
TC30 | Field Plate | 28 | --- | --- | Rockfleece | 38 | ||||
TC30 | Gladius | 30 | --- | --- | Bloodletter | 38 | ||||
TC30 | Gothic Shield | 30 | --- | Isenhart's Parry | 11 | The Ward | 35 | |||
TC30 | Halberd | 29 | --- | --- | Woestave | 38 | ||||
TC30 | Jo Staff | 30 | --- | --- | Razorswitch | 36 | ||||
TC27 | Flamberge | 27 | --- | --- | Ripsaw | 35 | ||||
TC27 | Gauntlets | 27 | --- | Sigon's Gage | 9 | Frostburn | 39 | |||
TC27 | Giant Axe | 27 | --- | --- | Humongous | 39 | ||||
TC27 | Greaves | 27 | --- | Sigon's Sabot | 9 | Tearhaunch | 39 | |||
TC27 | Grim Wand | 26 | --- | Infernal Torch | 7 | Ume's Lament | 38 | |||
TC27 | Plated Belt | 27 | --- | Sigon's Wrap | 9 | Bladebuckle | 39 | |||
TC27 | Short War Bow | 27 | --- | Arctic Horn | 3 | Hellclap | 36 | |||
TC27 | War Axe | 25 | --- | --- | Rakescar | 36 | ||||
TC27 | War Hammer | 25 | --- | --- | Ironstone | 36 | ||||
TC27 | War Sword | 27 | --- | Death's Touch | 8 | Culwen's Point | 39 | |||
TC24 | Avenger Guard | 24 | --- | Immortal King's Will | 37 | --- | ||||
TC24 | Bastard Sword | 24 | --- | --- | Blacktongue | 35 | ||||
TC24 | Blade | 23 | --- | --- | Spectral Shard | 34 | ||||
TC24 | Bone Helm | 22 | --- | Tancred's Skull | 27 | Wormskull | 28 | |||
TC24 | Circlet | 24 | --- | Naj's Circlet | 43 | --- | ||||
TC24 | Great Axe | 23 | --- | --- | Brainhew | 34 | ||||
TC24 | Great Helm | 23 | --- | Sigon's Visor | 9 | Howltusk | 34 | |||
TC24 | Heavy Crossbow | 24 | --- | --- | Hellcast | 36 | ||||
TC24 | Long Battle Bow | 23 | --- | Vidala's Barb | 19 | Wizendraw | 35 | |||
TC24 | Pike | 24 | --- | --- | The Tannr Gorerod | 36 | ||||
TC24 | Plate Mail | 24 | --- | --- | Boneflesh | 35 | ||||
TC24 | Tower Shield | 22 | --- | Sigon's Guard | 9 | Bverrit Keep | 26 | |||
TC24 | War Staff | 24 | --- | Arcanna's Deathwand | 20 | The Iron Jang Bong | 38 | |||
TC21 | Bone Shield | 19 | --- | --- | Wall of the Eyeless | 27 | ||||
TC21 | Flail | 19 | --- | --- | The General's Tan Do Li Ga | 28 | ||||
TC21 | Giant Sword | 21 | --- | --- | Kinemil's Awl | 31 | ||||
TC21 | Heavy Belt | 20 | --- | Iratha's Cord | 21 | Goldwrap | 36 | |||
TC21 | Heavy Belt | 20 | --- | Infernal Sign | 7 | --- | ||||
TC21 | Light Gauntlets | 20 | --- | Iratha's Cuff | 21 | Magefist | 31 | |||
TC21 | Light Gauntlets | 20 | --- | Arctic Mitts | 3 | --- | ||||
TC21 | Light Plated Boots | 20 | --- | Vidala's Fetlock | 19 | Goblin Toe | 30 | |||
TC21 | Long Sword | 20 | --- | Cleglaw's Tooth | 6 | Hellplague | 30 | |||
TC21 | Mask | 19 | --- | Cathan's Visage | 15 | The Face of Horror | 27 | |||
TC21 | Maul | 21 | --- | --- | Bonesnap | 32 | ||||
TC21 | Military Pick | 19 | --- | Tancred's Crowbill | 27 | Skull Splitter | 28 | |||
TC21 | Poleaxe | 21 | --- | --- | The Battlebranch | 34 | ||||
TC21 | Spetum | 20 | --- | --- | Lance of Yaggai | 30 | ||||
TC21 | Splint Mail | 20 | --- | Berserker's Hauberk | 5 | Iceblink | 30 | |||
TC21 | War Scepter | 21 | --- | Milabrega's Rod | 23 | Stormeye | 31 | |||
TC18 | Battle Axe | 17 | --- | --- | The Chieftain | 26 | ||||
TC18 | Battle Staff | 17 | --- | Cathan's Rule | 15 | The Salamander | 28 | |||
TC18 | Bone Wand | 18 | --- | Sander's Superstition | 20 | Gravenspine | 27 | |||
TC18 | Brandistock | 16 | --- | --- | Bloodthief | 23 | ||||
TC18 | Breast Plate | 18 | --- | Isenhart's Case | 11 | Venom Ward | 27 | |||
TC18 | Claymore | 17 | --- | --- | Soulflay | 26 | ||||
TC18 | Kris | 17 | --- | --- | The Jade Tan Do | 26 | ||||
TC18 | Short Battle Bow | 18 | --- | --- | Stormstrike | 34 | ||||
TC15 | Broad Sword | 15 | --- | Isenhart's Lightbrand | 11 | Griswold's Edge | 23 | |||
TC15 | Chain Mail | 15 | --- | Cathan's Mesh | 15 | Sparking Mail | 23 | |||
TC15 | Crossbow | 15 | --- | --- | Ichorsting | 24 | ||||
TC15 | Double Axe | 13 | --- | Berserker's Hatchet | 5 | Bladebone | 20 | |||
TC15 | Full Helm | 15 | --- | Isenhart's Horns | 11 | Duskdeep | 23 | |||
TC15 | Grand Scepter | 15 | --- | Civerb's Cudgel | 13 | Rusthandle | 23 | |||
TC15 | Kite Shield | 15 | --- | Milabrega's Orb | 23 | Steelclash | 23 | |||
TC15 | Morning Star | 13 | --- | --- | Bloodrise | 20 | ||||
TC15 | Scale Mail | 13 | --- | --- | Hawkmail | 20 | ||||
TC15 | Scythe | 15 | --- | --- | Soul Harvest | 26 | ||||
TC12 | Belt | 12 | --- | Hsarus' Iron Stay | 4 | Nightsmoke | 27 | |||
TC12 | Belt | 12 | --- | Hwanin's Blessing | 28 | --- | ||||
TC12 | Broad Axe | 12 | --- | --- | Goreshovel | 19 | ||||
TC12 | Chain Boots | 12 | --- | Hsarus' Iron Heel | 4 | Treads of Cthon | 20 | |||
TC12 | Chain Gloves | 12 | --- | Cleglaw's Pincers | 6 | Chance Guards | 20 | |||
TC12 | Composite Bow | 12 | --- | --- | Rogue's Bow | 27 | ||||
TC12 | Falchion | 11 | --- | --- | Gleamscythe | 18 | ||||
TC12 | Gnarled Staff | 12 | --- | --- | Spire of Lazarus | 24 | ||||
TC12 | Helm | 11 | --- | Berserker's Headgear | 5 | Coif of Glory | 19 | |||
TC12 | Large Shield | 11 | --- | Civerb's Ward | 13 | Stormguild | 18 | |||
TC12 | Ring Mail | 11 | --- | Angelic Mantle | 17 | Darkglow | 19 | |||
TC12 | Spiked Shield | 11 | --- | --- | Swordback Hold | 20 | ||||
TC12 | Two-Handed Sword | 10 | --- | --- | Shadowfang | 16 | ||||
TC12 | Voulge | 11 | --- | --- | Steelgoad | 19 | ||||
TC12 | Yew Wand | 12 | --- | --- | Maelstrom | 19 | ||||
TC9 | Axe | 7 | --- | --- | Deathspade | 12 | ||||
TC9 | Dirk | 9 | --- | --- | The Diggler | 15 | ||||
TC9 | Heavy Boots | 7 | --- | Cow King's Hooves | 20 | Gorefoot | 12 | |||
TC9 | Heavy Boots | 7 | --- | Sander's Riprap | 20 | --- | ||||
TC9 | Heavy Gloves | 7 | --- | Sander's Taboo | 20 | Bloodfist | 12 | |||
TC9 | Light Belt | 7 | --- | Arctic Binding | 3 | Snakecord | 16 | |||
TC9 | Long Bow | 8 | --- | --- | Raven Claw | 20 | ||||
TC9 | Long Staff | 8 | --- | --- | Serpent Lord | 12 | ||||
TC9 | Mace | 8 | --- | --- | Crushflange | 12 | ||||
TC9 | Sabre | 8 | --- | Angelic Sickle | 17 | Skewer of Krintiz | 14 | |||
TC9 | Studded Leather | 8 | --- | Cow King's Hide | 20 | Twitchthroe | 22 | |||
TC9 | Trident | 9 | --- | --- | Razortine | 16 | ||||
TC6 | Bardiche | 5 | --- | --- | Dimoak's Hew | 11 | ||||
TC6 | Hard Leather Armor | 5 | --- | --- | The Centurion | 19 | ||||
TC6 | Hunter's Bow | 5 | --- | --- | Witherstring | 18 | ||||
TC6 | Large Axe | 6 | --- | --- | Axe of Fechmar | 11 | ||||
TC6 | Light Crossbow | 6 | --- | --- | Leadcrow | 12 | ||||
TC6 | Scimitar | 5 | --- | --- | Blood Crescent | 10 | ||||
TC6 | Skull Cap | 5 | --- | Arcanna's Head | 20 | Tarnhelm | 20 | |||
TC6 | Small Shield | 5 | --- | Cleglaw's Claw | 6 | Umbral Disk | 12 | |||
TC6 | Spear | 5 | --- | --- | The Dragon Chang | 11 | ||||
TC6 | Spiked Club | 4 | --- | --- | Stoutnail | 7 | ||||
TC3 | Boots | 3 | --- | Tancred's Hobnails | 27 | Hotspur | 7 | |||
TC3 | Buckler | 1 | --- | Hsarus' Iron Fist | 4 | Pelta Lunata | 3 | |||
TC3 | Cap | 1 | --- | Infernal Cranium | 7 | Biggin's Bonnet | 4 | |||
TC3 | Cap | 1 | --- | Sander's Paragon | 20 | --- | ||||
TC3 | Club | 1 | --- | --- | Felloak | 4 | ||||
TC3 | Dagger | 3 | --- | --- | Gull | 6 | ||||
TC3 | Hand Axe | 3 | --- | --- | The Gnasher | 7 | ||||
TC3 | Leather Armor | 3 | --- | Vidala's Ambush | 19 | Blinkbat's Form | 16 | |||
TC3 | Leather Gloves | 3 | --- | Death's Hand | 8 | The Hand of Broc | 7 | |||
TC3 | Quilted Armor | 1 | --- | Arctic Furs | 3 | Greyform | 10 | |||
TC3 | Sash | 3 | --- | Death's Guard | 8 | Lenymo | 10 | |||
TC3 | Scepter | 3 | --- | --- | Knell Striker | 7 | ||||
TC3 | Short Bow | 1 | --- | --- | Pluckeye | 10 | ||||
TC3 | Short Staff | 1 | --- | --- | Bane Ash | 7 | ||||
TC3 | Short Sword | 1 | --- | --- | Rixot's Keen | 3 | ||||
TC3 | Wand | 2 | --- | --- | Torch of Iro | 7 | ||||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Angelic Wings | 17 | Atma's Scarab | 60 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Arcanna's Sign | 20 | Crescent Moon | 58 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Cathan's Sigil | 15 | Highlord's Wrath | 73 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Civerb's Icon | 13 | Mara's Kaleidoscope | 80 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Iratha's Collar | 21 | Metalgrid | 85 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Tal Rasha's Adjudication | 26 | Nokozan Relic | 14 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Tancred's Weird | 27 | Saracen's Chance | 55 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Telling of Beads | 39 | Seraph's Hymn | 73 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | Vidala's Snare | 19 | The Cat's Eye | 58 | |||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | --- | The Eye of Etlich | 20 | ||||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | --- | The Mahim-Oak Curio | 34 | ||||
TC0 | Amulet | 1 | --- | --- | The Rising Sun | 73 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | Angelic Halo | 17 | Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band | 66 | |||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | Cathan's Seal | 15 | Carrion Wind | 68 | |||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Dwarf Star | 53 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Manald Heal | 20 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Nagelring | 10 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Nature's Peace | 77 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Raven Frost | 53 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Stone of Jordan | 39 | ||||
TC0 | Ring | 1 | --- | --- | Wisp Projector | 84 | ||||
TC0 | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Gheed’s Fortune | 70 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Amazon | 110 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Assassin | 110 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Barbarian | 110 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Druid | 110 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Necromancer | 110 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Paladin | 110 | ||||
TC15 | Large Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Hellfire Torch Sorceress | 110 | ||||
TC30 | Small Charm | 1 | --- | --- | Annihilus | 110 | ||||
TC? | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | The Black Cleft | 75 | ||||
TC? | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | The Bone Break | 75 | ||||
TC? | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | The Cold Rupture | 75 | ||||
TC? | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | The Crack of the Heavens | 75 | ||||
TC? | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | The Flame Rift | 75 | ||||
TC? | Grand Charm | 1 | --- | --- | The Rotting Fissure | 75 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Cold Death | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Cold Level | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Fire Death | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Fire Level | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Lightning Death | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Lightning Level | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Poison Death | 85 | ||||
TC? | Jewel | 1 | --- | --- | Rainbow Facet Poison Level | 85 | ||||
TC? | Essence | 1 | Burning Essence of Terror | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Essence | 1 | Charged Essence of Hatred | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Essence | 1 | Festering Essence of Destruction | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Essence | 1 | Twisted Essence of Suffering | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Key | 1 | Key of Destruction | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Key | 1 | Key of Hate | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Key | 1 | Key of Terror | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Misc. | 1 | Wirt's Leg | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Misc. | 1 | Token of Absolution | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Organ | 1 | Baal's Eye | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Organ | 1 | Diablo's Horn | --- | --- | |||||
TC? | Organ | 1 | Mephisto's Brain | --- | --- |
Item Sockets Name ilvl 1-25 26-40 41+ Quality Type Equip clvl |
Buckler 1 1 1 Normal Shield 1 |
Dagger 1 1 1 Normal Dagger 1 |
Hard Leather Armor 2 2 2 Normal Armor 1 |
Burnt Wand 1 1 1 Exceptional Wand 19 |
Holy Water Sprinkler 3 3 3 Exceptional Scepter 25 |
Bone Knife 1 1 1 Elite Dagger 43 |
Name ilvl 1-25 26-40 41+ Quality Type Equip clvl |
Starting Attributes for Classes Class Abbr. Str Dex Vit Eng Life Stam Mana Life/Vit Stam/Vit Mana/Eng |
Zon M 20 25 20 15 +2 +1 +1.5 +3 +1 +1.5 |
Sin A 20 20 20 25 +2 +1.25 +1.5 +3 +1.25 +1.75 |
Barb B 30 20 25 10 +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 +1 |
Drd D 15 20 25 20 +1.5 +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 |
Necr N 15 25 15 25 +1.5 +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 |
Pali P 25 20 25 15 +2 +1 +1.5 +3 +1 +1.5 |
Sorc S 10 25 10 35 +1 +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 |
Class Abbr. Str Dex Vit Eng Life Stam Mana Life/Vit Stam/Vit Mana/Eng |
Skill Points Stat Points |
+98 = (Level 99 - Level 1) * 1/Level D2/D2R Character Planner |
+ 3 = 3 Difficulties * 1/Den of Evil |
+ 3 = 3 Difficulties * 1/Radament +490 = (Level 99 - Level 1) * 5/Level |
+ 6 = 3 Difficulties * 2/Izual + 15 = 3 Difficulties * 5/Lam Esen |
= 110 Total Skill Points = 505 Total Stat Points |
Lev XP to Level Total XP % of total XP |
1 + 500 = 500 ( 0.0000142%) |
2 + 1,000 = 1,500 ( 0.0000426%) |
3 + 2,250 = 3,750 ( 0.0001065%) |
4 + 4,125 = 7,875 ( 0.0002237%) |
5 + 6,300 = 14,175 ( 0.0004026%) |
6 + 8,505 = 22,680 ( 0.0006442%) |
7 + 10,206 = 32,886 ( 0.0009341%) |
8 + 11,510 = 44,396 ( 0.0012611%) |
9 + 13,319 = 57,715 ( 0.0016394%) |
10 + 14,429 = 72,144 ( 0.0020493%) |
11 + 18,036 = 90,180 ( 0.0025616%) |
12 + 22,545 = 112,725 ( 0.0032020%) |
13 + 28,181 = 140,906 ( 0.0040025%) |
14 + 35,226 = 176,132 ( 0.0050031%) |
15 + 44,033 = 220,165 ( 0.0062538%) |
16 + 55,042 = 275,207 ( 0.0078173%) |
17 + 68,801 = 344,008 ( 0.0097716%) |
18 + 86,002 = 430,010 ( 0.0122145%) |
19 + 107,503 = 537,513 ( 0.0152682%) |
20 + 134,378 = 671,891 ( 0.0190852%) |
21 + 167,973 = 839,864 ( 0.0238565%) |
22 + 209,966 = 1,049,830 ( 0.0298206%) |
23 + 262,457 = 1,312,287 ( 0.0372757%) |
24 + 328,072 = 1,640,359 ( 0.0465947%) |
25 + 410,090 = 2,050,449 ( 0.0582434%) |
26 + 512,612 = 2,563,061 ( 0.0728042%) |
27 + 640,765 = 3,203,826 ( 0.0910052%) |
28 + 698,434 = 3,902,260 ( 0.1108444%) |
29 + 761,293 = 4,663,553 ( 0.1324690%) |
30 + 829,810 = 5,493,363 ( 0.1560399%) |
31 + 904,492 = 6,397,855 ( 0.1817322%) |
32 + 985,897 = 7,383,752 ( 0.2097368%) |
33 + 1,074,627 = 8,458,379 ( 0.2402617%) |
34 + 1,171,344 = 9,629,723 ( 0.2735340%) |
35 + 1,276,765 = 10,906,488 ( 0.3098007%) |
36 + 1,391,674 = 12,298,162 ( 0.3493314%) |
37 + 1,516,924 = 13,815,086 ( 0.3924199%) |
38 + 1,653,448 = 15,468,534 ( 0.4393864%) |
39 + 1,802,257 = 17,270,791 ( 0.4905798%) |
40 + 1,964,461 = 19,235,252 ( 0.5463807%) |
41 + 2,141,263 = 21,376,515 ( 0.6072037%) |
42 + 2,333,976 = 23,710,491 ( 0.6735006%) |
43 + 2,544,034 = 26,254,525 ( 0.7457644%) |
44 + 2,772,997 = 29,027,522 ( 0.8245318%) |
45 + 3,022,566 = 32,050,088 ( 0.9103884%) |
46 + 3,294,598 = 35,344,686 ( 1.0039720%) |
47 + 3,591,112 = 38,935,798 ( 1.1059782%) |
48 + 3,914,311 = 42,850,109 ( 1.2171648%) |
49 + 4,266,600 = 47,116,709 ( 1.3383584%) |
50 + 4,650,593 = 51,767,302 ( 1.4704593%) |
51 + 5,069,147 = 56,836,449 ( 1.6144493%) |
52 + 5,525,370 = 62,361,819 ( 1.7713984%) |
53 + 6,022,654 = 68,384,473 ( 1.9424729%) |
54 + 6,564,692 = 74,949,165 ( 2.1289442%) |
55 + 7,155,515 = 82,104,680 ( 2.3321978%) |
56 + 7,799,511 = 89,904,191 ( 2.5537443%) |
57 + 8,501,467 = 98,405,658 ( 2.7952299%) |
58 + 9,266,598 = 107,672,256 ( 3.0584493%) |
59 + 10,100,593 = 117,772,849 ( 3.3453584%) |
60 + 11,009,646 = 128,782,495 ( 3.6580893%) |
61 + 12,000,515 = 140,783,010 ( 3.9989660%) |
62 + 13,080,560 = 153,863,570 ( 4.3705216%) |
63 + 14,257,811 = 168,121,381 ( 4.7755173%) |
64 + 15,541,015 = 183,662,396 ( 5.2169625%) |
65 + 16,939,705 = 200,602,101 ( 5.6981378%) |
66 + 18,464,279 = 219,066,380 ( 6.2226189%) |
67 + 20,126,064 = 239,192,444 ( 6.7943032%) |
68 + 21,937,409 = 261,129,853 ( 7.4174392%) |
69 + 23,911,777 = 285,041,630 ( 8.0966574%) |
70 + 26,063,836 = 311,105,466 ( 8.8370052%) |
71 + 28,409,582 = 339,515,048 ( 9.6439844%) |
72 + 30,966,444 = 370,481,492 ( 10.5235916%) |
73 + 33,753,424 = 404,234,916 ( 11.4823636%) |
74 + 36,791,232 = 441,026,148 ( 12.5274249%) |
75 + 40,102,443 = 481,128,591 ( 13.6665419%) |
76 + 43,711,663 = 524,840,254 ( 14.9081793%) |
77 + 47,645,713 = 572,485,967 ( 16.2615641%) |
78 + 51,933,826 = 624,419,793 ( 17.7367535%) |
79 + 56,607,872 = 681,027,665 ( 19.3447101%) |
80 + 61,702,579 = 742,730,244 ( 21.0973826%) |
81 + 67,255,812 = 809,986,056 ( 23.0077957%) |
82 + 73,308,835 = 883,294,891 ( 25.0901460%) |
83 + 79,906,630 = 963,201,521 ( 27.3599078%) |
84 + 87,098,226 = 1,050,299,747 ( 29.8339482%) |
85 + 94,937,067 = 1,145,236,814 ( 32.5306522%) |
86 + 103,481,403 = 1,248,718,217 ( 35.4700596%) |
87 + 112,794,729 = 1,361,512,946 ( 38.6740136%) |
88 + 122,946,255 = 1,484,459,201 ( 42.1663235%) |
89 + 134,011,418 = 1,618,470,619 ( 45.9729413%) |
90 + 146,072,446 = 1,764,543,065 ( 50.1221547%) |
91 + 159,218,965 = 1,923,762,030 ( 54.6447973%) |
92 + 173,548,673 = 2,097,310,703 ( 59.5744777%) |
93 + 189,168,053 = 2,286,478,756 ( 64.9478294%) |
94 + 206,193,177 = 2,492,671,933 ( 70.8047827%) |
95 + 224,750,564 = 2,717,422,497 ( 77.1888618%) |
96 + 244,978,115 = 2,962,400,612 ( 84.1475080%) |
97 + 267,026,144 = 3,229,426,756 ( 91.7324324%) |
98 + 291,058,498 = 3,520,485,254 (100.0000000%) |
99 + n/a = 3,520,485,254 |
Understanding Block Rate. Dex needed fox max Block with Holy Shield: 0 Holy Shield (+0% Block) vs 19+ Holy Shield (+35% Block)
Pali Elite Shield Str Block 0 HS dex→ 19 HS |
Sacred Targe 86 60% 198 -63 = 135 |
Sacred Rondache 109 58% 204 -66 = 138 |
Kurast Shield 124 55% 213 -71 = 142 |
Zakarum Shield 142 52% 222 -76 = 146 |
Vortex Shield 148 49% 233 -83 = 150 |
Feedback: Please leave feedback in my reddit thread or create a new GitHub issue. You can find a roadmap / wishlist of features in the Readme. I also monitor these threads for suggestions (just not as frequent): * * * Legend: * See note / S-Tier item alvl Area Level LK Lower Kurast, Act 3 area clvl Character Level (Farm chests for runes) ilvl Item Level; hidden number used to determine affixes TC Treasure Class (drop pool) (This is NOT the character level required to equip the item!) tp town portal (i.e. Act 2 mlvl 23 unique boss +3 can drop Tal's amy clvl 67) wp Waypoint mlvl Monster Level #os Number of open sockets in armor base Item type used for making runewords (Body, Helm, Shield, Weapon) affix An effect applied to weapon/armor. i.e. Crushing Blow e.g. 1os, 2os, ..., 6os skillers Grand Charm with +1 to skills SSF Solf Self Found P3 /players 3 P8 /players 8
Offense: +# To All Skills ## Crushing Blow ## Deadly Strike ## Faster Caster Rate Ignores Target's Defense ## Increased Attack Speed ## Open Wounds Misc: ## Extra Gold From Monsters ## Better Chance of Getting Magic Items | Defense: ## Damage Reduced ## Faster Block Rate ## Faster Hit Recovery ## Chance of Blocking ## Fire Resist ## Cold Resist ## Lightning Resist ## Poison Resist m Magic Resist p Physical Resist ## Resist All (Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison) Cannot Be Frozen |
My Thoughts on Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Diablo 4, and other ARPGs.
Quick summary of popular ARPGs:- Diablo 1: Blizzard's groundbreaking game, (or one person's duping gaming)
- Diablo 2: One person's clicking game,
- Diablo 3: One person's drinking game,
- Diablo 4: One person's backtracking game,
- Diablo Immortal: Blizzard's banking game,
- Path of Exile: One person's linking game,
- Path of Exile 2: GGG's bushwhacking game.
- Grim Dawn: One person's thinking game.
- Last Epoch: One person's swinking game.
(And yes, it is possible to actually like both Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 regardless of what fanboys say.)
=== Diablo 2 === EASILY one of the top ten greatest games of all time (GOAT). Why have I been playing 24 years? Itemization. * Itemization means almost every set/unique/runeword item can have a build based around it * Uniques are build defining and can be BiS (Best-in-Slot) for multiple characters * Multiple currencies to collect/trade/use: * chipped gems (rip CCB) * perfect gems * runes * keys * organs * small charms * torches (medium charm) * grand charms * set items * uniques * rares * Trading * Holy Grail (collect every unique item) * PvP (Player vs Player) include LLD (Low Level Dueling) * 7 Different classes each with 3+ builds * End-game content such as Uber Tristram * Speed running * Outfitting my mules * Gambling / Gold Farming * Softcore and Hardcore (nothing will cause you to clench your butt cheeks like almost dying in HC!) * Choice of playing Classic or Expansion * QoL Mods such as loot filter + map reveal D2 with PlugY + maphack is a dream to play. D2 is the game we play while we wait for our next favorite game to come out. === Diablo 2 Resurrected === Graphics: Asolutely beautiful graphics with 60+ FPS. Gameplay: Thankfully Blizzard/Vicarious Visions didn't screw up this remaster. Good: * Increased stash size to 10x10 and 4 stash tabs (one private, 3 shared) * Beautiful graphics * Higher resolution * 60 FPS * Can up set items * Offline /players # * Offline Uber-Diablo via 1 SOJ * Can toggle between Legacy and Remastered graphics * Option to cast-skill-on-use * Gamepad support * Cross-platform online characters * Extended Character Details panel * End game Terror Zones (random zone every hour is at max level of that difficulty) * Sunder charms to break monster immunity Bad: * No LAN play (multiplayer is bullshit Online only) * Still no loot filter to customize color and labels of items * No PlugY support * Limited online character slots * ebug is fixed :-/ Rune stacking and Gem stacking, sadly, is still missing, but forgivable. If there is only 1 thing I could ask for: Where is my native D2R loot filter with custom colors and names already? One of the best map seeds for normal Stony Field + Dark Wood: 456974393 === Diablo 3 === Utter garbage on release (RMAH, bad drop rate, bastardization of uniques, no rifts), but finally turned in a good game. Indigo Gaming has a fantastic Diablo III: A Cautionary Tale | 12 Years of Development Hell documentary on what the hell happened with D3. The classic How it looks vs How it should look like is only one sign of the initial problem. Diablo 3's uniques are bad design due to: * Having stats being based on the class played when the item drops, and * The same item can have multiple level requirements. This ironically dilutes uniques making them less unique! Season 28's Altar of Rites demonstrates why the base game, unfortunately, is still bad: So many missing QoL in vanilla D3. * No auto salvage for whites, blues, yellows * No auto gold pickup (unless) you have a pet * No auto pickup for rift / greater rift orbs * No auto pickup for Death's Breath * Low mob density in non-rifts * Bounty rewards are still too low * Death Breath's low drop rate (DB x2 + Sage's Set on NPC is PERFECT.) The Altar of Rights should be a permanent addition to the game IMHO. Why are my characters slots so limited? I want a FULL roster of both Softcore and Hardcore characters. When is PC getting the console/gamepad UI? STOP giving me Carpal Tunnel on PC already! === Diablo 4 === Graphics: Blizzard always has beautiful graphics. (Turn sharpness up to 50.) Music: Is OK. No favorite tracks like D2 or D3's Ruins of Sescheron (0008) or Chains of Fate Gameplay: Meh. A gothic re-skinned Diablo Immortal with Diablo 3 mechanics and Diablo 2 loot (minus the blatant Diablo "Immoral" greed.) Verdict: 5/10. Wait for sale; go play D2R, Grim Dawn, or even D3 (Season 28) in the meantime. Good: *No MTX (yet) from what I've seen. (Horse Armor DLC?)* Veteran difficulty is good. * Pinned Location shows the path on both the map and mini-map. * Optional side quests. * Gamepad support. * Can instantly switch between mouse/keyboard & gamepad anytime. * Stash Tabs are available and cost in-game gold. * Two ways to leave a dungeon, use an emote (Leave Dungeon) or bring up the map and click on the stairs. * Retains Diablo 3's Armory, er, Wardrobe. * Retains Diablo 3's Blood Shards, er, Obols for gambling from Lizveth. * Separate inventory for Equipment, Consumables, and Quests. You listening GGG??? * Monsters are automatically scaled up/down PER player. * No ridiculous millions of DPS like Diablo 3. * Map has Legend for (most) icons. * Can switch map between world and dungeon. * Dynamic group events. Guild Wars 2 says: "Welcome to 2012." * Vistas. Guild Wars 2 says: "Welcome to 2012." * Varied chasm crossing: Jumping, climbing/dropping, horizontal rope ladder, or slide. * Potions can be upgraded. Bad: * Over-priced MTX * Movement speed is WAY too slow. * Too much backtracking in dungeons. * Dungeons are too repetitive. * You CAN leave a dungeon but why do I have to bring up the emote/map for this instead of clicking a pillar at the end? * Boring story. * The Butcher is too hard on Veteran. * The Butcher disappears if you fail. * Clicking on X to move item to stash doesn't automatically move the inventory cursor to the next right slot. * No button to stack all items from inventory to stash. * No button to move all gems from inventory to stash. * No dedicated stash tab for gems. * No offline play. The excuse is piracy and cheating but not everyone has a good, stable internet connection. * Forced scrolling on skill tree, abilities, is dumb. * There IS a map legend but it is called "Filter" not "Filter/Map Legend". * Map Filter doesn't work inside dungeon. * Why do bears drop gold??? This is almost as stupid as Diablo 3's vases dropping gold in heaven. * Auto drop of Quest items (Tower Key) if you leave the area. WHY??? * Must manually click on waypoint to unlock, no auto unlock by proximity. Ugly: * Stash and Blacksmith are too separated. (See below.) * 40 minutes of Login Queue Simulator isn't fun. * Rubberbanding isn't fun. * Hanging on a loading screen. * Constant crashes when loading dungeons. * Invisible Walls. Why is the stash and blacksmith being separated bad game design? One of the problems with realism is that it isn't fun. In D2, D3, and D4 your town portal (TP) is in the center of town. In D2 your stash is 1/2 screen away from the TP and the blacksmith is 1 screen away. In D3 your stash is 1/2 screen away, blacksmith is 1/2 screen away. In D4 your stash can be found inside a inn 1 screen away (NW) and the Blacksmith is about 2 screens away (SE). All this extra running around along with the slow movement speed DRAINS the fun of the core ARPG game loop: * Kill shit, * Get phat loot, * Go to town, sell crap, salvage gear. * Rinse-and-Repeat Yes, goblins exist in D4:![]()
Version 1.113 main, Last Updated Sun., Mar. 17, 2024.
CSS Debug: Screen Size: ?, iOS-hidden iOS-visible All bugs are due to Anthony slacking on QA.