Satisfactory Cheat Sheet Beginner Tips & Tricks

Copyleft 2022 by Michaelangel007 m007 /u/MysticReddit

Table of Contents

* Introduction
* Help
* General
* Inventory
* Resources
* Enemy
* Power
* Machine
* Onboading
* Mini Goals
* Mini Factory
* Main Factory (Pre Coal)
* Equipment
* Special
* Vertical Layout
* Tier 1, 2, SE, and 3
* Storage
* Resources


Satisfactory is a factory building game where you optimize production rates.
Update 7 added a peaceful (Passive) mode. You must be in game to select it: Escape > Advanced Game Settings > Creatures > Creature Hostility. (Available in v0.7.1.1 Build 211839, possibly earlier.)


* Onboarding
* Milestones
* Default Keybindings
    To repeat crouch-slide jump: Left Shift (sprint) + W (forward) + Space (jump) and before you land C (crouch).
* Press H to hide your hands and press P to use the in-game Photo Mode.
* Save games are located at:  

* Screenshots are located at:  
Documents\My Games\FactoryGame\Screenshots\


* Shift+Left Click to move one stack.
* Ctrl+Left Click to move all stacks.
* Right Click to split a stack in half.
* Drag Right Click to manually split a stack.


* Resource nodes (Iron, Coal, Sulphur, etc.) are infinite.
* Resource nodes come in 3 purities: impure, normal, pure.
* If you can't mine a resource (Caterium Ore, Sulfur, and Raw Quartz) check the MAM.
* Harvesting by hand away from your buildings: Beryl Nuts and Paleberries DO grow back (after 3 days), Leaves and Bacon Agarics do NOT grow back. (There is a player suggestion to have foliage grow back.)

General Tips

* Don't skip the Onboading tutorial if you are new! It teaches you the mechanics of the game. (Note: Multiplayer games skip Onboarding and start at Tier 1.)
* Which location to start?
Experience Icon Location Description
Beginner Grass Fields Lots of open space but resource nodes quality are poor and spread out.
ExperiencedNorthern ForestHigh quality (pure) resource nodes but very cramped space.
* Short tap Spacebar once to toggle auto-crafting at a crafting bench. Press and hold if you want to eyeball craft a specific number.
* Hold down (or spam) E to pick up plants as you explore the world for fuel for your Biomass Burners.
* Press a number key 0-9 to assign a building to your hotbar.
* Use Alt+Mouse Wheel to cycle between your 10 hotbars.
  * Use dedicated hotbars for foundations, power, common mining/smelting/constructing buildings, etc.
* Don't be afraid to tear down and rebuild production lines. You get 100% of materials back!
* Press N to use a built-in calculator in the Quick Search!
* Press O to open the Codex.
* Click the + in the top right of a building icon to add the material manifest to your TO-DO manifest list. (You can change the quantity if you open your inventory.)
* In the Crafting Bench or Codex Right Click to add that item to your TO-DO manifest list.
* Keep an "emergency" resource "kit" of a stack of Iron Ignots, Iron Rods, Iron Plates, Screws, Wire, Cable in your Hub storage chest or container.
* Keep an "emergency" healing "kit" of a stack of Nuts, Berries, etc. in your Hub storage chest or container.
* Build on the ground for Tier 0, then at Tier 1 - 3 transition to always building on foundations. (Don't forget to stock a ton of Cement!)
* Hold Ctrl while placing foundations to snap them to the world grid.
* Hold Ctrl when placing buildings to snap them to an adjacent building.
* Use the Mouse Wheel to rotate free standing foundations in 5° increments. See Resources for creating circular structures.
* Fast equip items via Tab, then 1, 2, 3, etc. (Number keys work for HUB upgrades as well.)
* Quickly clone an existing building by pressing dismantle key F but then click Middle Mouse Button on the building to select it.
* When building pipes press R to change the build mode type / turning radius: Default, Vertical, Noodle, Conveyor 2D.

Enemy Mob Tips

* If you find the spiders creepy then turn on ESC > Options > Gameplay > [x] Arachnophobia Mode.
* To heal eat Beryl Nuts Paleberries. (Hint: Also visit the MAM station for more recipes.)
* Your health does very slowly regenerate over time. (Roughly 1 tick every 3 seconds.)
* Definitely explore the world but remember it is dangerous since you drop your entire inventory on death! (Hint: Visit the MAM station and Equipment Workshop!)
    * Your inventory will be put into a personal Crate which will show on the map until you reload. They never despawn.
* Kite mobs by moving backwards and waiting for the right momemnt to attack.
* Having trouble with big game such as Spitters guarding resource nodes? You can craft ranged weapons:
    * Rebar gun and Spiked Rebar
    * Rifle and Rifle Ammo
* Break Line-of-Sight by placing foundations & walls to stop spitters
* Video: CSS's video on Mob changes

Power Grid Tips

* Almost always connect a Biomass Burner to a Power Pole then feed THAT to your power grid.
* Put a power pole beside each machine so you can daisy chain power (use 2 wiring slots for chaining.)
* Split your power grid into sections to make it easy to restart when you blow a fuse.
* You will need to babysit your Biomass Burners feeding them either Biomass or Solid Biofuel (until you unlock coal.)
* Don't forget to craft Solid Biofuel.
* Ironically plants are finite, non-renewable while coal/oil are infinite, renewable. Things that make you go "Hmmm..."
* Build a few Power Storage (or Biomass Burners) to buffer power for when you blow a fuse so you can power your coal generators back up.
* You need 3 Water Extractors spaced out to supply 8 coal generators due to Mk.1 pipes capping capacity of 300 m3/min.
* You may want to underclock machines for greater power efficiency and match input rates for machines later in the production chain. e.g. Underclock 2 Water Extractors per 1 Coal Generator.
* Don't forget to upgrade your Power Poles grid.
* It is easier to bring coal to water then water to coal for your Coal Generators.

Machine Tips

* Orange designate an Input (3 lines symbol or hamburger menu.)
* Cyan designate an Output (flattened greater than symbol.)
* You'll probably want to automate Concrete first (due to how slow it is to make.)
* You CAN place a Miner Mk.1 on a foundation over a resource node to mine it.
* Belts have a 2 click turn radius for 90° turns.
* Leave a 1, 2 or even 3 foundation gap between machines for routing conveyor belts, lifts, and power.
* Manifold or Load Balancer? Manifold vs Load Balancer - Distributing Items Evenly in Satisfactory
    o Manifold (daisy chain) -- single trunk, with N branches off of main trunk.
    o Load Balancer -- trunk split into balanced branches, depth N.
* Don't forget to upgrade ALL your conveyor belts!
* Always be feeding excess items into Storage Containers AND the AWESOME Sink.

Onboarding - HUB Upgrades

UpgradeIron Rod Iron PlateWireCableConcrete Iron IgnotCopper Ignot Iron OreCopper OreLimestone
1 10 10 10
2 20 10 35 35
3 20 20 20 50 10 50
4 75 20 10 113 20 113 20 30
5 75 50 20 75 50 75 40 60
6 100 100 100 50 250 50 250 100 150
UpgradeIron Rod Iron PlateWireCableConcrete Iron IgnotCopper Ignot Iron OreCopper OreLimestone
TOTAL 225 205 120 70 80 533 130 533 160 240

[Optional] Handy mini-goals for Tier 1

Stockpile all resources in Storage Containers. You'll probably want to fill a Storage Containers for each type of resource. i.e. A total of 7 to 14 containers for:
  * Iron Ingots
  * Iron Rods
  * Iron Plates
  * Screws
  * Copper Ingots
  * Wire
  * Cable

Mini Factory

Storage Container
Storage Container

Main Factory (Pre Coal)

Machine/Building Category MW Iron Rod Iron Plate Wire Cable Concrete Miner Rotor Reinforced Iron Plate
Biomass Burner Power 3015 15 25
Miner Mk.1 Production 5 10 10 1 Portable Miner
Conveyor SplitterLogistics --- 2 2
Smelter Production 4 5 8
Constructor Production 4 8 2
Assembler Production 15 10 4 8
Storage ContainerOrganization---10 10

Equipment Workshop Gadgets

Item Iron Rod Iron Plate Screws Rotor Reinforced Iron Plate
Portable Miner 4 2
Chainsaw 25 160 5
Factory Cart 4 2 4

Special Buildings

Building Iron Rod Iron Plate Wire Cable Concrete Screws Reinforced Iron Plate
Craft Bench 3 3
Equipment Workshop4 6
MAM 45 15 5
AWESOME Sink 30 45 25
AWESOME Shop 30 200 10

Example Vertical Factory Layout

Item ColorLayerConsumption Rate
1 Rod Red 1 15
1.5 PlatesGreen2 30
1 ScrewsBlue 3 10

See: Satisfactory Speedrun guide for factory layout.

Tier 1, 2, Space Elevator, 3 (Coal)

Note: If speedrunning to Coal then the entire Tier 1 and most of Tier 2 can be skipped except for Tier 2 Part Assembly which unlocks the Assembler. Also, Tier 2 Resource Sink Bonus Program will unlock the AWESOME Sink and AWESOME Shop.
Tier Upgrade Iron RodIron PlateWireCableConcreteScrewRotorReinforced Iron PlateIron IgnotCopper IgnotLimestone
1 Base Building 100 100 200 250 600
1 Logistics 150 150 300 375 150
1 Field Research 100 300 300 225 150
2 Part Assembly 200 300 200 500 775 200
2 Obstacle Clearing 100 100 500 125 100 300
2 Jump Pads 300 150 50 1013 150
2 Resource Sink 200 200 500 400 500 250 1200
2 Logistics 2 300 300 200 50 1350 600
SESpace Elevator 400 250 1500 500 775 750 1500
SEPhase 1 50 50 1163
3 Coal Power 300 50 150 2363 300
TOTAL 1350 1700 2600 750 1400 1300 150 250 8914 2050 4200


I organize my factory with each floor having "themes":
   === Floor 1 ===      === Floor 2 ===     === Floor 3 ===      === Floor 4 ===

   ---Ores---           ---Ingots---        ---Copper---         ---Iron---
 1 Bauxite Ore          ---                 Cable                Heavy Modular Frame
 2 Caterium Ore      -> Caterium Ingot   -> QuickWire            Iron Plate
 3 Coal              -> Petroleum Coke      Copper Sheet         Iron Rod
 4 Copper Ore        -> Copper Ingot     -> Wire                 Modular Frame
 5 Iron Ore          -> Iron Ingot          ---                  Reinforced Iron Plate
 6 Limestone         -> Concrete            ---                  Screw
 7 Mycelia           -> Fabric              ---                  SE1 Smart Plating
 8 Silica               ---                 ---                  SE2 Versatile Framework
 9 Sulfur            -> Black Powder        ---                  SE2 Automated Wiring
10 Quartz (Raw)      -> Quartz Crystal   -> Crystal Osc.         SE3 Modular Engine

   ---Industrial---     ---Aluminum---      ---Steel---          ---Space Elevator---
11 Heat Sink            Aluminum Casing     ---                  SE3 Adaptive Control Unit
12 Motor                Aluminum Ingot      Encased Beam         SE4 Assembly Director Systems
13 Rotor                Aluminum Scrap      Steel Beam           SE4 Magnetic Field Generator
14 Stator               Aluminum Sheet      Steel Ingots         SE4 Nuclear Pasta
15 ---                  Packaged Solution   Steel Pipe           SE4 Thermal Propulsion Rocket

   ---Electronics---    ---Plastics---      ---Packaged---       ---Packaged 2---
16 AI Limiter           Plastic             Packaged Biofuel     Packaged Sulfuric Acid
17 Circuit Board        Polymer Resin       Packaged Fuel        Packaged Nitrogen Gas
18 Computer             Rubber              Packaged Heavy Oil   ---
19 High Speed           ---                 Packaged Oil         ---
20 Supercomputer        ---                 Packaged Turbo Fuel  ---
21 Radio Control        ---                 Packaged Water       ---

  ->  Made from
  --- Free slot


* Interactive Map
* Biome Map
* Community Megaprints
* Top 10 Satisfactory Speedrunning Tricks!
* Speedrunning Resources
* Optimal Hard Drive Route

Satisfactory YouTubers

* Coffee Stain Studios -- Developer of Satisfactory
* Kibitz
* TotalXclipse
* Let's Game It Out
    * Video: EASY Curved Roads with Blueprints in Satisfactory,
    * Blueprint: Josiwe's Road Curve Left 5°

Last updated: Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022.